Sunday, February 20, 2011

Sunday Afternoon Tea

"I don't wanna go through the motions
I don't wanna go one more day
without Your all consuming passion inside of me
I don't wanna spend my whole life asking,
"What if I had given everything,
instead of going through the motions?"
Matthew West song

I've found some of the best theology is in lyrics of songs... and the above lyrics in the Matthew West song never fails to inspire me.  A much loved one found Life in those lyrics when going through a dark night of the soul and as they later told me... "that song you love made me think of what would happen if I just gave up on life".

The lyrics (the entire song) were first heard on K-love as I was driving, on a day in a week in a month that I had been feeling passion for life waning.  Few would even guess, not even those closest to me for if there is one thing I have long been able to do it is... go through the motions.

There was no true life behind the motions, much less any passion for the path He has chosen... just the robotic accomplishments one can do in their sleep if one has lived long enough... cleaning, laundry, dishes, cooking... that which must be accomplished for the house to remain liveable.  But no creativity, no art in life, no gilding of the lily so to speak... just surviving.  Going through the motions...

That particular season of life-less days was most likely sparked by extended illness.  Many challenges can bring us to our knees... which is where we find the answers.  The Life slowly returned as I drew closer to the One who gave His Life.  I had to stop comparing where I was to where I had dreamed I would be in this Season.

While I would have said I was trusting Him to all things, I began to realize there was a part of me which was just "going through the motions".   I have long written that when we can't do everything... we must still do something... but I was not listening to my own counsel.

I can't tell you when I stopped going through the motions and brought passion back to my days.  Passion... that which I preached to my children from their toddler years.  "What should I be when I grow up?" was a common question of both.  "Follow your passion!"  Find what God created you to do... what thing on this planet do you love doing the most... what makes your heart sing?  Be a Renaissance man or woman and don't do just what you are paid to do... there is so much in this world to embrace.

But as I learned when the passion waned... it is not what we love to do but Whom we love that truly provides passion to do more than make our way through each hour of every day.  Oh, how I would dread getting to the end of my life and look back, only to realize I'd lived each day in a rather zombie-like state... only doing and never really feeling.  It is not the checking off of another line on our "To Do" list of life that He wants from us... it is... us.

As His love bloomed again within my heart, I was able to do much more than go through the motions of life.  He, who created Life, who IS Life, takes whatever my poor broken soul can think of to do and makes magic... Narnia magic.  He who came as a humble servant to take our place as the offering of the sin of Eden... He is now the one who truly gilds the lily... and I am that lily. 

So are you... :)

11 comments: said...

That is one of my favorite songs and so many songs have walk me through the valley and also on the hilltops.

Going through the motions...well I was there for a couple of years after extended trials and I feel the passion coming back...what joy! I know He was there beside me all the way, and I am now so grateful for this new season which is so much more appreciated because of the other.

Great spoke straight to my heart.

matty said...

How do you do it? You find the words to touch my heart and make me ponder. Thanks, dear Brenda!

Lisa said...

"it is not what we love to do but Whom we love that truly provides passion to do more than make our way through each hour of every day." What a great statement! Thank you for sharing your heart.

Peggy Lorenz said...

Thank you...I'm going through a very rough time, especially today, and your words spoke comfort to me, as they have done many times.

moreofhim said...

I am going through the motions at times during my life right now. Such a difficult past year and it doesn't seem to be getting any better yet. Sometimes going through the motions is the only thing that we can do....
Thank you for the beautiful reminder that the God who created my life, is with me still and He is Joy! If we can just keep our eyes upward, towards our Lord, our hearts will be filled with joy.

You always say the most timely things for me - and say it so beautifully!

God bless you - Julie

Anonymous said...

I realized this week....I was existing. Or, as you say, going throught he motions. Thank you. You brought my thoughts together..exactly...and confirmed it for me.

Jayne said...

I don't know the song, so the words are fresh to me, and make such an impact

Unknown said...

I am in a low valley myself right now and do not have passion for much. I sure do miss it.....

Kelly said...

What an inspiring post. I have not heard that song, but it sounds wonderful.

We should be passionate for our Lord.

God bless you, Brenda.

Vee said...

This is a beautiful post. I read it quickly the first time around and realized that I'd have to come back and read it again. Thank you. You so often have words that are like balm.

Lelia said...

I had not heard this song before and I love that spirit spoke to you in this way. Thanks for sharing with all of us.