PBS is making Food, Inc. available to watch online until Wednesday... here.
It is worth your time to watch it. Even if you don't agree with everything said, it will open your eyes to how our food is processed and what it is doing to our health.
it is truly an eye-opening movie, also King Corn. As a cook, I could tell that meat and other ingredients have changed over the years by the way the cook-up differently than they did years ago but I did not realize why until seeing these movies.
Thank you for the link. My husband and I watched it the other night on PBS, but I would like my children to see it too. It is an eye-opener, that is for sure!
also...I am reading a book Foods that Fight Pain , from Dr. Neal Barnard...prayerfully there will be change coming to my home, even if it is baby steps. Deby
Thank you Brenda...do you know I just reserved it at our library..with over 200 people ahead of me. I would encourage you to read Seeds of Deception as well (google it)....I have his book reserved and have watched some of his videos via You Tube Free....this is information you need to know too...Think I willl fill my coffee cup...and go and watch it ASAP.... Deby
We watched it on Netflix! It is eye opening...another good one (while understanding that they have an agenda) is The Future Of Food. All about GMO's and corporations who hold patents on food...
We did watch it...and then watched Seeds of Deception...my husband did as well...and as much as we can..we are going to be going GMO free and organic...one meal at a time....I have got to see if this will somehow improve my health besides not spending $$$ for chemicals... thanks Brenda Deby
I've never seen this documentary so thank you for the link! Off to check it out now.
Thanks for the link... I'm having a giveaway...hope that you'll toss your name in.
it is truly an eye-opening movie, also King Corn.
As a cook, I could tell that meat and other ingredients have changed over the years by the way the cook-up differently than they did years ago but I did not realize why until seeing these movies.
Thank you for the link. My husband and I watched it the other night on PBS, but I would like my children to see it too.
It is an eye-opener, that is for sure!
also...I am reading a book Foods that Fight Pain , from Dr. Neal Barnard...prayerfully there will be change coming to my home, even if it is baby steps.
Thank you Brenda...do you know I just reserved it at our library..with over 200 people ahead of me. I would encourage you to read Seeds of Deception as well (google it)....I have his book reserved and have watched some of his videos via You Tube Free....this is information you need to know too...Think I willl fill my coffee cup...and go and watch it ASAP....
I have watched it and would recommend it to all
thanks for the link
I watched it Wednesday night. I couldn't believe it. Very thought provoking.
We watched it on Netflix! It is eye opening...another good one (while understanding that they have an agenda) is The Future Of Food. All about GMO's and corporations who hold patents on food...
We did watch it...and then watched Seeds of Deception...my husband did as well...and as much as we can..we are going to be going GMO free and organic...one meal at a time....I have got to see if this will somehow improve my health besides not spending $$$ for chemicals...
thanks Brenda
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