Friend Debra... Since I was given the laptop as a gift, I don't have a problem writing most days. What is challenging is keeping up with questions in comments and e-mails. So often time goes by and they don't get answered even though I love receiving them. :)
This weekend I took most of the flowerpots on the deck out to the compost pile. I've already harvested all the green beans and the plants are ready for the compost. This week I plan to take the wheelbarrow to the garden and finish taking all the plants except the green peppers out.
I will be taking a blog break in a couple weeks when Stephanie and I will be attending a conference in Hartford, Connecticut and I'll be spending time with the family. New England in October... beautiful.
Be thinking of your favorite books and films to recommend. I want to keep up that post when I'm travelling to give everyone plenty of time to add a comment.
For an idea of what I'm talking about, click on the picture of the wingback chair on the sidebar which will take you to the original "warm and cozy" book recommendations post.
Sabine... your comment was so funny. When I saw the buck in the distance, I was thinking how glad I was it wasn't Bigfoot. :)
The forest is so thick right now that it is quite spooky to walk out to the mailbox. There are always noises in the forest. One hopes they are all little forest animals and not anything big.
Okay, so there have been no Bigfoot sightings here but there is always a first time for everything. If you are new to this blog, I live at the edge of a forest and I've had a Bigfoot phobia ever since watching a couple movies in childhood.
Well, I think I was about fifteen or sixteen when I watched one of them but it was really scary because Bigfoot was stalking this group of campers for his dinner... shudder. One should watch only edifying media if one ever plans to live in or near a forest.
Picture: Rooster and Four Chickens; allposters.com
Hey Brenda, I went and clicked on your cozy wingback chair, and I was delighted at what I found..... lists of your favourites!
Oh my, aren't we excited. We have a kindred interest in many similar titles, but I am pleased to find new titles I'm not yet familiar with. Chances are if you like it, I probably will to... so now I have new things to look for. Isn't that fun!
Brenda I hope you and Stephanie have a wonderful time at the conference along with a wonderful well deserved vacation time. Hugs..
I relate to the Bigfoot fears. All of my grandparents have passed on , but I had one grandmother that lived at the edge of the woods and on visits during warm nights we slept on a sleeping porch.I was terrified of sounds from the woods . Also, this is the grandmother with an old weathered shed hung with rusted farm tools/ advertising signs and pots. It looked like a Cracker Barrel. It was the 60's at the time, so kinda different then . My greatgrandmother lived in the "middle" of the woods that you reached by a long winding dirt road. It was not uncommon to hear unusual sounds there too and feel closed in by the woods with the feeling that something would jump out at you . I always hid in the back seat of the car as we drove through those woods, expecting a bigfoot attack from all sides.
Movie suggestions: Sweetland is an excellant film about a German mail order bride arriving to meet her husband to be, a farmer in early 1900's Minnesota. The Secret Garden is one my husband and I enjoy over and over.
It has been far too many years since I have seen the magnificant change of leaf colors. To drive through the forests that time of the year is a bit of Heaven on earth. Enjoy, enjoy!! My operation is behind me now and healing begins. On to another season of life and as always more books to read!! :) I am looking forward to the book posts too! I am so happy you can be with your daughter soon. Memories gathered for a lifetime. I am sure you will fill us in on what you want to share from the conference later. But while out and about just relax and completely let yourself heal in mind and body....and soak in every wonderful moment!! Jody
I didn't know Bigfoot was supposed to be scary! The first I'd ever heard of the "Sasquatch" was when I got married in 1974. We lived in a suburb of Vancouver, BC. My husband would take me on his field trips for work and I read about the Sasquatch on one of those trips, if I remember correctly. I remember seeing lichen in the trees and wondering if it was Sasquatch hair. The Bigfoot/Sasquatch (plural) I read about were very shy creatures, though, and I hoped to see one. Think Harry and the Hendersons. (Fortunately that was the only Bigfoot movie I've ever seen.)
I'm so excited for you that you will see Stephanie and go to New England in October. I miss my birth place.....
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