Thank you again for your comments. They are appreciated. I know time will make each day easier but we feel her absence very much. I decided to get my mind off of our loss.
One can either do a little decorating or eat chocolate... I did both. I not only love making seasonal changes but I enjoy going around the house and seeing if there is something I can use elsewhere... redecorating by "tweaking".

The vintage lace tablecloth came off the pine table. It's amazing to me how it changes the "look" of the dining area. It will stay like this until after Thanksgiving, when I'll add red plaid placemats and a little Christmas glitter.

I wanted to add even more red accents to the kitchen (like I didn't have enough already). The kitchen is the only room in the house that is all mine to decorate... and it shows with bright colors. :)
I had the idea of bringing the above red wire basket into the kitchen to hold a few favorite cookbooks. It has been holding magazines in the living room but I love the way it looks in its' new home.

The old sewing machine table has been a wonderful addition to the kitchen (since I "borrowed" it from Christopher's room). It is a great place to store extra veggies and such.

I love the brightly colored cups on the breadbox. The one on the right was sent to me by sweet blog friends, the one on the left was 49 cents at Goodwill.

Of course, there were some red items in the kitchen already. :)
The shorter and darker days of winter will soon be here but my kitchen will be cheerful.
So sorry to hear about your loss. Decorating always cheers me up. Hope tomorrow is a better day. Linda
I like your postive thinking. Half of the struggle is won with a good attitude. I too spent part of my Sunday trying to decorate my house and bring some autumn colors. I wil be posting some pics, so please drop by.
God bless you with a happy week.
The beautiful pitina of your dining room table really accents the fall decoratioins. Looks Grrrrrreat!! My kitchen has a lot of reds too. I am feeling a bit down and I should take the time to tweak too. You will be reminded so much of your sweet Sasha throughout every day. She was as natural a part of your every day lives. I am sure you still think very often of her sister still. I still think of ours now gone and it has been a long time. Maybe some day we will adopt another..I don't know yet. I do know I will never regret having our pets and I will probably never stop missing them either. Sorry to stop on such a sad note... Jody
Your table looks so pretty! I love all the red touches you've added throughout your kitchen! I love red you know!~smile
Very cheerful, Brenda!
I love the look of your table. It is fun that you can totally change the look without spending a penny.
Becky K.
Thanks for the reminder -- I should pull out some fall decorations, especially since tomorrow is the first official day! :)
Bee-you-ti-full! I love the design of your chairs. A week or so ago, I went thru my house and put up a few fall decorations, changed to a fall tablecloth. I like red in my kitchen too! Much love - Raquel XO
Looks beautiful, but then of course red, orange and yellow are my favorite colors. :-)
I adore your red appliances! I really like your bread box too. I want to find a bread box one of these days.
I use red accents in many of our rooms, it is a very cheering color, works no matter the season and it makes me happy!
Where did you find your red wired basket?
Wonderful attitude!! Once I'm in a funk, it's very hard for me to lift myself up by my're an inspiration.
I am SO very sorry to hear about your sweet Sasha. Please know that you're in my thoughts and that I'll be sending prayers of comfort your way. I love your decorating style - so inviting and cozy! !! :)
Your kitchen is very bright and cheery. I also like to tweak by switching things from one room to another. Just the little changes can sometimes have a huge impact. At least it makes me feel better. I am sorry to hear about the loss of Sasha. Our Jingles is 5-1/2 years old and has been sick for the past week. She has stopped eating and drinking water. Unfortunately, it is a holiday where I am and the veterinary hospitals are closed so I have no place to take her at the moment. I am hoping she will be okay until we can get to see someone. Sasha was certainly a sweet companion to you and your family for a very long time. Best wishes for your week, Tammy :)
Brenda I love the look of your kitchen. So bright and cheery. And to do it without spending any money is wonderful.
LOVE IT!! What a beautiful home you've made!! Thanks for sharing!
You have such a knack for decorating! I have a plain green and white kitchen but I've been trying to put in accents of red into it for some added color. I especially love red apples for an accent. You have inspired me today to do more decorating in my kitchen. So sorry about your sweet kitty.
Wonderful tweeking! I love doing that too. Moving things around to other corners and rooms makes things feel new again.
That pretty crocheted potholder with the rose in the centre you have on your counter by the books in the basket --- my grandmother used to make those! Same ones! Small world!
I just had to say that I love the color of your dining room table Brenda sans the tablecloth.:-)Such lovely,warm tones to the wood!Bless you~Sharon
Your kitchen always looks so warm and inviting. I like all the tweaking you did, and I'm glad you had some chocolate too.
Delightful! I see many things in your pics that have the bold colors I am using particularly in my kitchen and breakfast room..I will [clean off the counters lol] and take a pic in my kitchen to post for you..I was inspired from someone's else's photo in a magazine 3 yrs ago..slowly but it's coming together..
My condolences on the loss of Sacha. There is nothing that compares to the love animals give us! We simply dread the day we will have to put away our beloved 15 year old dog. I do not think at least in the last decade of her life that anyone has loved me so well as she has. I hope you will be able to get another pet when you are ready. We feel that it is likely this dog will be our last one, just due to the difficulties of finding a house to rent, etc. when you have one. And no longer desiring to own our own place. Life holds so many adjustments. We just have to live each day to the fullest and happiest we can, don't we?
Your kitchen reminds me in many ways of my wonderful mom who also LOVED red. Thanks for helping me to remember her once again!
I love your kitchen. Red and green and yellow are so cheerful.
I was just showing your kitchen to my friend and she thought it was a picture of my kitchen! We have so many things alike and the colors too! I have the same pot holder with the red rose in the center too. I love your homey kitchen and the many good recipes you cook up for us in it! :) Jody
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