I apologize to those who have written e-mails recently. I haven't had time to read most of them much less respond. Hopefully I will have a free evening soon to write as I do try to respond to all of them. If you have ever written and not heard from me, the e-mail mistakenly went into the Spam file... which I know has happened when I've seen an e-mail there from someone I actually knew!
Yesterday was our 35th wedding anniversary. That is a long time to be married to someone. I wanted a June wedding but my husband was 27 and didn't want it published in the newspaper he was marrying a 19 year old. Thus, our August wedding was days after my birthday. :)
The years have not been easy but I'm thankful we made it this far. I'm reminded of the quote I heard once (can't remember from whom or what book) that "marriage is to make us holy rather than happy". Of course, marriage brings happiness but bringing together two families can be quite interesting.
We have dealt with his career as an engineer and engineering manager, which required a great deal of moving from one place to another as well as his constant travel. Of course, his bi-polar challenges were not easy, either. However, what was most challenging to both of us was just the fact we are two totally different people, which I've seen so often in marriages.
While we have faced many challenges, we have been blessed with just the best children, son-in-law, and grandchildren one could ever hope for... as well as our furry friends (one is curled next to me as I'm writing so I must include Sasha and her sister... we still mourn our Storm Girl).
We don't notice the age difference very much in most things but it is very evident in our taste for music. I especially notice him cringe when we are in the car together and I have the radio set to K-Love. I have the station streaming on my computer right now. :)
We had not planned on going out for lunch or dinner at all since money is so tight these days but a very, very sweet blog friend was at Panera recently and thought of me... sending along a Panera gift card that arrived Saturday (I have not had a chance to e-mail that it arrived safely, I'm sorry!!!).
The generosity of blog friends has never ceased to amaze me. Kindness to each other is that spark which kindles much needed courage to forge ahead through less than perfect days. We truly do "read to know we are not alone". :)
I was walking back to the house from the rural mailbox when the "still small Voice" reminded me this is perfect for our anniversary. I must admit to a twinge of selfishness as I thought of the times I could get away for good coffee and a scone instead but thankfully that didn't last more than a few seconds.
We had a very, very nice anniversary celebration at Panera Sunday afternoon... thank you so very much to my friend who shared her Panera love with me. We had such a nice time with good food and no dishes!! :)
Thank you for the comments about the Julie & Julia movie. I'll watch for it when it comes to the Redbox machines and be on guard for the language. Even though it is prevalent through the book, it is too bad they had to put it in the movie (although not surprising).
Picture: There is No Place Like Home; allposters.com
Happy anniversary to you and your hubby. May you have many more.
My hubby and I are has different has night and day. I think that's what makes for a very, shall we say...interesting marriage. I can't imagine us both being the same.
What a thoughtful gift from a blogger friend. Glad you were able to get out and celebrate. Hugs
Happy Anniversary! You are just a year behind us and I was 19 when we got married so if my math is correct, I believe we are the same age! Give or take a coupla months...
Happy anniversary, a day late. Life does have it's challenges, what would we do without the Lord? What DO people do without the Lord? "I'm so glad I'm a part of the family of God."
Oh, Brenda! We are so much alike! So much of our background is similar, too. Our 36th anniversary is Sept. 1st this year. My husband was 28 and I was 21. Someday I am going to make a list of our similarities and send it to you.
Friend Debra
Happy Anniversary! My husband and I will celebrate our 50th in September 09. where does the time go? Marriage is challenging but so worthwhile.
Happy Anniversary to you and your husband!!! My husband and I will be celebrating our first in October, just a few days before my birthday. While I am at it, Happy Birthday as well! Panera sounds like a great celebration to me! Much love, Raquel XO
A very happy, happy anniversary to you and your husband! Boy, do I agree with you about most people in marriages being different. Mr. P and I couldn't be more different, and it certainly makes for some, shall we say, LIVELY discussions:) I guess that's what keeps the spark alive!! Panera is the perfect place to celebrate ~ what did you get? My fav is the turkey artichoke, yum............
Happy Anniversary, Brenda! The Lord knew you would love to have a way to celebrate. Isn't it amazing how he uses people to bless us?
Hi Brenda,
Glad you got the certificate. I guess my idea was for you to go and have some quiet time but the LORD had other plans, since I had no idea it was your anniversary.Anyway I'm glad you were able to celebrate.
Congratulations on reaching year 35!! Wonderful the little extra gifts the FATHER sends via other people, etc.
My hubby and I are nearing year 37 of marriage and I would describe our journey as much like you write here. We are battle scarred and worn, but grateful to have made it to this place. I am not sure if my husband has the same problem, in reading up on Asperger's syndrome, I suspect that is part of it anyway. I wish I had known about all this years ago...would have made it easier to NOT take things personally...but you know, it sure FEELS personal sometimes. I have come to accept that for reasons I do not understand yet, my assignment in life has been to deal with a lot of kin who have either this problem, in varying degrees, or some other similar. In it all, I just hope that someway, somehow, GOD will get glory from it. It has not been an easy life. Thanks for sharing as you do...it does help to hear of others who have had to go through similar struggles!!
Happy Anniversary to you and your husband, Brenda! You are so lucky. The day after my husband's funeral would have been our 35th anniversary, but we did have 35 wonderful years together. We were both 27 when we married and I remember how we felt "old and wise" in making that decision! And we were very lucky in our children because our family life was a great priority for us both. I wish you and your husband many many more happy years together!
Happy Anniversary to you and your dear husband and may the Lord grant you many more years together :o)
Blessings ...
Congratulations frm me too on your anniversary Brenda. Also Happy Birthday! Did you go to college after you married. I was wondering because you mentioned the high pay, high stress job you had for years.We are married more years than that but we are also pretty much different peole. Sometimes that will bring new things :) into one of our lives. Also sometimes that brings New :( things into our lives!! Isen't life interesting! Jody
Happy anniversary to you and your husband! Nice to hear that you had a nice day!
Happy Anniversary to you and your husband. What a lovely gift from a friend for you two to enjoy. If we make it to the 18th of this month, we will be together 48 years. I call marriage a work in progress. There are times I could eat my husband up and other times that I wish I had! Ha!I pray that you have many more years together.
Dee from Tennessee
Happy anniversary...and may many many more follow...!
Happy anniversary! We had our 29th in June.
My hubby and I are 14 years apart in age, so I know where you're coming from. I grew up with '70's music and he love '50's. I didn't listen to music I liked for years, thinking I was too old for '70's Christian rock type music. Then I realized that most folks, when they're older, listen to the music they liked as teenagers. I realized that I wasn't a teenager at the same time that my husband was and I didn't HAVE to like the same music he does! He likes hymns and I like Second Chapter of Acts. So now I feel free to listen to what I love and it's really freeing to do that! (I do like SOME hymns. LOL!)
The gift from your blogger friend was very special. One of the gal's at Jody's messageboard sent me and my hubby some theatre tickets years ago because I had mentioned that movies weren't "in our budget". That meant a lot. I still wait for the DVD to come out!
Thinking of seeing Julie and Julia. I wouldn't read the book after what you said, but it sounds like the movie might be cleaned up, I hope? I've heard raves from lots of Christian ladies, though I know our standards sometimes droop a little when it comes to movies.
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