Thursday, January 29, 2009

Blog "stuff"

Regarding the Amazon widget, any of us who have an Amazon widget on our blogs receive a very small amount of Amazon credit each time something is ordered. You don't have to order anything on our widget, you only have to go to Amazon by clicking on one of the items to get to the Amazon website.

We receive credit on just about anything ordered, a tiny amount on small third party orders and a much larger amount on electronics and such. I have a nice credit coming next month, thanks to a few people using the Amazon widget to order Christmas gifts.

It doesn't cost you any more and it benefits Amazon and us... a win/win/win situation. :)

For anyone who has e-mailed me in the past few weeks, I do plan to return more e-mails on Friday. A few ended up buried and a few were in the Spam file. If you ever write me and don't hear from me at all (give me time!), then yours is one that ended up in the Spam file. I haven't a clue why they do that.

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