But my garage and my kitchen are organized. Control, it is a good thing.
You know, it was much easier work to get rid of things than it was moving "stuff" around from one place to another. I should have loosened my grip a long time ago... but at that time I wasn't ready. Fortunately, I only had two kitchen cabinets needing to be organized today. Both worked much better once I got rid of stuff I wasn't using. It's amazing to me how such a small amount of change provides huge payoffs, as in being able to see everything when I need it now (these kitchen shelves were both the lower corner shelves, which can be challenging to one who finds it hard to get on her knees... and even harder to get up). :)
So... now most of my Spring organizing for the inside of the house is done. I started a couple months ago but it takes awhile doing everything a little at a time. I am thankful for the health and energy for the marathon "garage" session this week! Some of the rooms need a good scrubbing, the wooden floors are begging to be polished, then there are all of the windows... enough to do for busy future days... but they will be my days... and my house.
Oh, I already have plans for some creative ideas to make our home a cozy warm weather oasis... if it ever gets warm again here. Our furnace has been clicking on at night, and we keep the thermostat quite low to save energy! It has also been rainy. My husband was in bed all day due to mold allergies (he could use your prayers).
Isn't it wonderful to have a place that is yours, whether it is rented or owned? Even if it is just your own room? A place that reflects the personalities of those who live there? I am thankful that I felt better this week so I could complete all but the smallest remaining items on my "to do" list. It was beginning to look like Ma and Pa Kettle lived in our garage.
I'm taking almost a week's computer break after tomorrow. There are some... plans... in the air right now. Lots of telephone calls and e-mails flying! Good things coming up as well as time challenges. Something has to go... the computer is the only option. Tomorrow I want to post pictures of my favorite teapots for Gracious Hospitality's Hospital-i-tea Blog-a-thon. Can't miss that!
My friend dropped off the fifteen pounds of oats I'd ordered today (a mere pittance left from a fifty pound bag from their co-op). It filled one of my little Rubbermaid type containers... plenty for breakfast, granola, cookies, etc. through the summer. I'm hoping to take some pictures of my garage shelves, too... just to give you an idea how I deepen the pantry with little space. More Recession Ponderings after my computer break!
Added note: I wish I knew who the artist was on the above picture. I always save a print with the artist and/or the name of the artwork if it is available. This one only had a number. I tried it on art.com and allposters.com but it didn't come up as a valid poster. If anyone knows, could you leave a comment, please?
I do hope you have a lovely break! I've been doing the same and it's been nice to step away from the computer a bit.
Take care, Lyn
It sounds mysterious! We'll miss your blogs and tea but have a very special time.
Have a wonderful break. A change in routine can be so welcome.
The "kitchen picture" at the top of this post is very special. Who is the artist? Where might I find similar artwork?
Have a blessed break - you will be missed. You & your husband are in my prayers. I love the artwork on your blog, please let us inquiring minds know where you get them, lol.
Thanks & God Bless,
I was going to ask the name of the artist myself-I'd love a print of it. Please post it if you ever find out.
I'm sad you'll be away all week. I hope you have a wonderful time, but I'll miss you.
joanna :)
Ohhh, sounds very interesting! The print is beautiful... I've not seen it before.
Hope that your dh is feeling much better.
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