Saturday, March 15, 2008

A great blog!

I was sent to this blog via another because of the give away she is having right now (pictured above). Since she is giving away things I love, I had to make a comment.

I know I've visited this wonderful blog when I didn't have my own computer (it was still being fixed). So, I wasn't able to spend a lot of time there and somehow "lost" it before subscribing through Bloglines. I took care of that today. :)

So... mosey on over to The Simple Woman. Okay, if you must... make a comment so you are also in the running for the give away.


peggy, the simple woman said...

Brenda! Thank you so much for sharing my blog! I have always been a fan of yours and have you listed amongst my very favorites:-)

JMHead said...

I wanted to leave a comment for the give away and it didn't let me--- what am I doing wrong?

Misc. Muse said...

I wanted to leave a comment what am I doing wrong. Linda