Monday, February 04, 2008

Two awards

A heartfelt thanks for the following awards.

A Roar For Powerful Words
award was given by Dinah of Diary of a Not So Mad Housewife blog.

Donna at Stitching In Atlanta awarded me the E For Excellent Award.

I appreciate both so much. Right now, with limited computer time, I can't look through my favorite blogs to send on these award. Hopefully in the future...

I'm pretty certain I've missed an award given during my really, really busy work weeks. If you have given me one I haven't mentioned, please leave a comment and I promise to include it!

It is a good thing I only work full time a few weeks a year. :)

I've been forgetting to add this little bit of blog housekeeping. If you need to turn off the music, you can click on the "icon" that tells what music is playing (the button that shows two lines going up and down).

Thank you again, ladies!

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