Monday, February 04, 2008

Fog, cookware, and the Super Bowl

With apologies to the New England branch of our family.... was that a game or what? I can't remember the last time I enjoyed a football game so much. I spent the first half watching Sense and Sensibility on another channel, switching back to catch the (yawn) score once in awhile. Once the second half came around, Christopher arrived home from a friend's house and my husband stopped the project he was working on so they could watch the game together.

I had taken a book to the living room to read but all the noise and hoopla coming from the family room drew me back in... could this be the same game? What fun, now that is what a Super Bowl should be like! Of course, we live in the Midwest where we would rarely be supporting a New York team but 1) they were the underdog, 2) I wanted to see Eli get a win just like his big brother (can you tell I am a younger child?) and, 3) once again with apologies to our son-in-law... we don't like the Patriots (but we do like our New England family members). That truly was a fun game to watch (unless one lives in and around Boston).

I stayed up late watching more of the hoopla surrounding the game so I was quite unhappy when my husband woke me up at 4:00 this morning. His medication was doubled recently and it is causing sleepless nights and headaches. Normally I'd be able to get back to sleep but he was meeting a friend at 5:45 for a ride to a morning prayer meeting, anyway... so I just got out of bed and pushed the button to begin the coffee brewing. I am sooooo tired this evening! I hope they can get his medications settled... soon!

We had a busy day scheduled with my husband having to go to two doctor's appointments in the morning (both having been canceled due to the snow storm last Friday). We knew there was fog outside but we had no idea it would last all day, becoming even worse as as the afternoon went on. I was quite happy to (finally) be able to pick up Christopher from his classes at 3:00 and start home where it was warm and cozy.

What usually takes about thirty to forty minutes took much longer due to near zero visibility. We had to stop by Barnes and Noble for a French/English dictionary and the fog became worse in the short time we were there. We were all surprised, thinking it would clear up rather than become worse as the day progressed.

He had to go back "into town" this evening for a study group (big test tomorrow). He took everything he would need for school tomorrow in case he has to stay with one of his friends. I honestly can't remember fog like this. It has been a difficult winter for drivers... how I am looking forward to spring! I like cold weather and the beauty winter has to offer but I don't like driving in such difficult circumstances.

My husband has been going over our budget with a "fine tooth comb" and told me I had enough left from working full time last month to purchase some much needed cookware. Not only was most of our "old" cookware beat up from lots of use but we had decided to stop using nonstick interiors on everything except our omelet pan from now on. From years of use, the coating was wearing thin on our skillets and a dutch oven and being somewhat perceptive, we realized where those chemicals had gone (yuk).

We had planned to take advantage of some sales at the Mall but I decided to stop by my favorite gourmet and cookware store first. Gosh I am so glad I did. I realized I could purchase two Cuisinart pans (a skillet and a saute pan) and a top of the line saucepan for just a tiny bit more than the entire set I'd planned to purchase at the Mall.

I would have actually come out even (to the dollar) compared to what I'd planned to purchase at the Mall but my husband encouraged me to purchase the top of the line saucepan instead of a cheaper brand as it was on a big sale (can you tell he was a quality assurance engineer?). He was right, of course, the small amount extra it cost me is nothing compared to the superior quality of the saucepan on sale (and believe me, he rarely encourages me to spend more money!) This pan will get daily use.

I sent our old cookware to my son's friend who lost everything in the floods recently (it has been a wild winter for all types of weather). They will help him get by until he can purchase something better. Hmmm... being a 20 year old guy, he'll probably decide these are just fine for a long time. :)

It felt good to cross a few items from our priority list (written down for when we have "extra" money for much needed items) because I found a very nice pair of Talbot's dress slacks for $1.99 at Goodwill a couple weeks ago and a black skirt on clearance for $7.00 at Wal Mart (as my husband told me when I was considering it, how can one go wrong for that amount?). He knows how hard I try to keep costs down by buying at thrift stores and such so he was thrilled to be able to tell me I could purchase the new cookware.

Since we knew we would be away from home most of the day, he even budgeted for us to have lunch at a favorite restaurant... an early Valentine's Day gift. We rarely purchase birthday or Christmas gifts for each other, instead we enjoy having days like this where we purchase what is needed when funds become available. To be honest, this is more fun and we know we're getting what we both want.

We are looking forward to a day at home tomorrow. There are plenty of items on both our "to do" lists to keep us busy but we will not have to get out early. If he wakes me up by turning the lights on at 4:00 again, he may find one cranky wife, though. You may want to include him in your prayers. :)


Heather L. said...

How exciting about the cookware! That's wonderful. And I hope the medication settles quickly.

Thickethouse.wordpress said...

How satisfying to discover a true bargain and get something of excellent quality that you will use every day. Wonderful. I like to shop at thrift shops but I like to buy good quality too and sometimes one can do both at one time.....Enjoy your quiet day at home tomorrow. Hope your husband gets a good night sleep (and you too, then.) And thank you for your blog. I check it every morning and night and am always so happy when you have been able to post something new.

nannykim said...

The game was great--when the commercials came on a watched Sence and S. too.

I use mainly stainless Steel and iron---now I know there is some controversy on iron and how it may relate to heart problems---I just don't know if I believe that or not--I don't trust anything with coatings--what I like about iron is that is it is a great subsitute for non-stick stuff.

Two Goodwill stores just opened here 2 weeks ago--I am thrilled. I was able to find children's books and clothes (some with the tags still on them! ) for my granddaughter.)

Sharon Goemaere said...

Neat post!I just started reading Sense&Sensibility here.Caught part of the game with husband.Not a football fan but decided to humor him.LOL...He was humored alright by my comments alone during said game...LOL...was nice to see the"underdogs"win.

denise said...

Seriously...almost everything I wear came from Goodwill! How fun to find someone else who finds a thrill in that! So often I find something brand new...I'm addicted, I admit it...

Anonymous said...

What a lovely winter photo! I enjoyed seeing it. Also agree with you about the nonstick cookware. I've been thinking about phasing ours out, also.

Anonymous said...

What a lovely winter photo! I agree with you about the nonstick cookware. I've been thinking about retiring ours sometime soon in favor of stainless steel. My interest in the big game faded when the Packers lost out but it sounded like the second half was a great game.

Anonymous said...

I have been reading your posts and I feel as though we are sitting down enjoying a chat with each other over coffee or tea, chatting about wonderful books, stories, life and incredible finds at thrift stores! Thank you for your lovely blog..
Have a blessed day.

Vee said...

I skated through the first part of your post with my fingers in my ears, but how wonderful to find such a cookware bargain and a husband urging you to go for it. You'll have to remember that next time the light goes on at 4am. :>

The picture is so pretty; is that your property?

Anonymous said...

I LOVED THE SUPERBOWL!!! Hubby and I both agreed it was one of the best we've ever seen. We wanted the Giants also-I was actually praying my head off that they would win. :)
I used to like the Patriots but I've grown tired of them winning all the time and more importantly, they are cheaters and that doesn't sit well with me. I am so stoked that they lost!!!!!
Yeah for your cookware. I need some also. I got rid of non stick pans several years ago. I only have cast iron pans now which are a real pain to clean but I wouldn't go back.