Yeah for "Wives and Daughters"! Have you seen the dvd yet? Some people don't believe in seeing movies before reading the books but doing that has really helped me in understanding what I'm reading. I would really be lost without doing that first-at least for the novels from the 19th century. joanna :)
I'll go and check it out. What a great idea! I've never read Wives and Daughters...Maybe it would be a bit much for me right now. :-) I'll see about some of my favorite poets...
I read your blog regularly but I'm not sure if I've left a comment before!
I love that image at the top of your post.
Yeah for "Wives and Daughters"!
Have you seen the dvd yet?
Some people don't believe in seeing movies before reading the books but doing that has really helped me in understanding what I'm reading. I would really be lost without doing that first-at least for the novels from the 19th century.
joanna :)
I just signed up for Boswell's Johnson and almost signed up for the Rosetti poems also :)
What a wonderful blog! I am on my way to search for some reading material...thank you for the tip :)
I'll go and check it out. What a great idea!
I've never read Wives and Daughters...Maybe it would be a bit much for me right now. :-) I'll see about some of my favorite poets...
Wow that is a great idea! Im going to have to get myself over there and see what this is all about!
I love Rosetti. So does my two-year old son. We have a children's book of her short poems about nature. He just memorized his first poem from it!
Anyway -- if you haven't read Rosetti before, I hope you'll like her as much as we do.
Your blog is lovely!! Thanks for the reading tip!!
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