Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Cold but happy to be online fulltime

I have mentioned many times before that I have a love/hate relationship with technology. When technology is working right and "in its place"...I love it. When it is driving me up the wall because it is not working...I see it as a great inconvenience and the cause behind the downfall of civilization. Thanks to a very brave UPS driver who managed to make his way through the snowfall, I have a router. Thanks to my very Tech Savvy Son, the router is talking to the server and my computer is talking to his computer so I can get online.

Last night, I pulled on my flannel housecoat over my clothes just to be a littler warmer and brewed some Candy Cane Lane tea to share with my husband. I took to my living room sofa with the tea and some reading material sent to me by a special friend (and later added a cat on the throw), and enjoyed the feeling that comes when the weather outside is frightful but one is inside safe and sound...and warm...lost in prose and pictures.

It was -2 when I arose this morning and by the feel of it, the temps have not risen much. It was noon when I felt brave enough to walk down the lane and across the county road to get our newspaper. When I walked back into the warm house, my husband commented something about Nanook of the North...hmmmm...and after I was nice enough to go out for the paper. However, I was the true winner as the world is all clean and sparkly and fresh and wonderfully diamond-like. Probably like Narnia is in true winter when not under the spell of the evil Queen.

Just as the snow was ending yesterday, my son called me to look out our kitchen window. There were three male cardinals and a couple of females on our fence, more males were discovered on a nearby bush...absolutely breathtaking! So, before going back into the house, I made my way through deep snow into our back yard. I was hoping to see the cardinal family close up but they were most likely trying to keep warm in some hidden niche, a very wise place to be today.


Laura Talbert said...

So glad you're back!

I feel the same way about technology:)

Susan P. said...

I'm so glad you got the router, whatever that is! LOL One of my very favorite things to do in the winter is look out my kitchen window and watch the birds. I have many cardinals in my backyard! Isn't their bright red color stunning against the white snow?

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

The router thingy-jingy is what connects us to DSL. :)

Mrs. Darling said...

glad to see you online. I love the homeyness of this post. Sometimes I get so busy I foget about the good things in life.

smilnsigh said...

Oh yes, our love/hate relationship with technology. :-))) But thanks to those nice people, you are again "connected"! And we do get so used to being "connected." :-)

Your word picture of your evening is my idea of how to spend Winter! Oh yes! 'Course we all have to go out some times. But... when we can stay cozy and warm inside, it's all the more precious.