Sunday, January 28, 2007

Ponderings on a Sunday Morning

I am at home this morning instead of attending church. The car "finally" died again, we knew it most likely would not start since it was showing "symptoms" yesterday. Our mechanic had told told us when it died again, do not have someone start it for us. (He couldn't find the problem last time so we've been driving it for almost a month, wondering when it would not start the next time.) How glad I am that it happened at home.

How glad I am that I listened to that "still small voice" on Saturday morning and bought some groceries after standing in line at the Post Office for nearly thirty minutes to mail my granddaughter's birthday book. It will arrive before my eldest grandchild turns five next week.

Hard to believe...five years...and two more siblings with another on the way. At least I'm used to being a Grammie. When one is in their 40s and still thinks of herself as being in her 20s (where did the time go?)...a grandmother is your own mother. Thankfully, it only takes a few seconds of holding the new generation when Grammie (Grandma, Grandmother, Mammaw, etc.) is the best word in the to Granddad, of course. When my daughter asked me what I wanted to be called, I just couldn't "do" Mammaw. That honor was only for my mother. I liked fit.

I'll have a personal sermon this morning, reading more of Calvin Miller's The Table of Inwardness, which I began last night. It is one of the books I purchased for thirty-five cents at the thrift shop. Last night I read the Introduction and Chapter One...beautiful book. It is subtitled "Nurturing Our Inner Life in Christ". It speaks to where I am right now.

Sigh...there were too many options yesterday evening. Most of the time, there is nothing good on the little TV in my living room (which only gets five or six channels and half of them are not clear all the time). Yet, yesterday evening there was Hyacinth Bucket on PBS and Andy Stanley preaching on a Christian channel. (He was "guest speaker" on In Touch, I'd already seen it earlier in the week but his message was absolutely wonderful.) Of course, I'd also seen this episode of Keeping Up Appearances, going between the two channels with the remote worked but it was a little odd. Hyacinth...Andy...Hyacinth...Andy.

Then to add to my frustration at being a finite being, I had two books and a stack of magazines (twelve Victorias and two Homeschool Today...all from the library) that I wanted to read at the same time. I ended up reading Calvin Miller while watching Andy and Hyacinth, probably not absorbing any of it carefully but overcoming finiteness for thirty minutes. Then I settled down to a peaceful reading of the book until my eyes would not stay open and my mind was not absorbing the last page...


Anonymous said...

Let's see...we've already determined that we have similar tastes in reading (Crunchy Cons is still in my reading basket, and I've recently read several of the books in your current reading or reading challenge lists). We have grandchildren almost all the same ages, with my 4th due just shortly after your 4th (just found out this is another girl, that'll make 2 boys and 2 girls). And now I see that we both enjoy Hyacinth. LOL!! Too much fun!

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

Yes...two boys and two girls here, too!

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

I do enjoy Hyacinth, this particular episode was when she was "advertising herself" as a hostess. So funny...

I always wondered how her husband could put up with everything but in one episode, someone asked him this and his answer was "she is a very kind person" or something on that order. How sweet...

I think this show is so popular because all of us have a bit of Hyacinth in us.