Thursday, November 16, 2006

A very busy day for a day off

I had planned to spend a relaxing day doing some baking and checking out the list of blogs and websites my son-in-law had sent me (upon request). I can't wait to get to them but...

It all started when they were coming for a visit last month. We had decided to switch the big bookcase from our bedroom into my son's room, which I did the day my daughter and her family were to arrive. (Note to self...were you crazy?) It was a task far worse than expected but I was able to get it accomplished in time, even if I was about to collapse. Did I mention, other than my husband helping me to move the bookcase, I was the only one home to do the work? son's room looked wonderful but I've been living with a disaster since then.

I have not liked the way our bedroom was set up since we moved in nearly a year ago. The room itself is very pretty. It was a little girl's room before we bought the house, painted a soft, yellow color and white shelves built over the two windows. I have some of my teapots and teacups setting on each shelf, with silk greenery in the middle of each for added color.

However, I never spent any time in there. I had placed the furniture where I thought best the day we moved in and I hadn't done anything to it since then. Added to that, I've been tripping over books and such on the floor since last month...frustration level rising each day but no time to do anything about it...until today. I gave the e-mail from my son-in-law a quick, fleeting glance and a promise to come back this weekend...this was war.

I don't know if you've noticed when you set out to organize a room, you usually make a mess in the process. This time the mess extended beyond the bedroom to the kitchen. A few weeks ago, I had purchased a vintage, yellow, three-shelf cart at Goodwill to use in my kitchen. I had to scrub it and my hubby was sweet enough to find a couple of bolts to repair those which were missing. Everything that was on the small bookshelf was transferred to the cart and it looks absolutely wonderful. He had hated it in the garage but even he had to admit it looked nice in the kitchen. It fits the vintage look (and the color).

So...the small bookcase is now ready to be used in the bedroom. All the books which used to be in the large bookshelf were now on the floor, along with some other "stuff" that had been set on top of the books. Everything up out of the pool and onto my bed. The two matching dressers were moved from each side of the bed to the wall where the bookcase used to be, leaving behind dust bunnies a couple inches thick...I am not joking. I can't believe we've been sleeping near that must dust.

Okay...antique lamp table moved from one corner to another. Side table in family room moved to the other corner of the bedroom. Floor lamp moved from corner of living room to bedroom. Chair, sewing basket, magazine holder and the little bookshelf all in new places in the bedroom. Paperback books placed in bottom of little shelf, top shelf saved for hubby's reading. Silver tray placed on top of little bookshelf with perfume, girly creams, a flower and my mom's antique crystal vinegar cruet all arranged to look pretty.

Moving boxes taped up and books placed in them to store until we can get another bookshelf in family room. One box filled with "stuff to look through this weekend". Pictures rearranged on walls...beautiful.

Husband who said he hated change, looked at room tonight and said, "How do you do it?" Happy, exhausted wife with gorgeous bedroom remarks that it is "just a gift". Said wife on the way to sofa to collapse...


Heather Anne said...

Would you be available to come help with my bedroom? I am ashamed to admit that atop my dresser, collecting dust, is the fabric to make our bedroom a haven - and I've had said fabric for more than a year! I wonder why our room becomes the dumping ground - I desperately want to make it lovely! I need to at least get the curtains done - it is a bit embarassing when the meter man comes! thanks for the inspiration!

Mary said...

Hi Brenda!

I enjoyed this post. Your bedroom sounds lovely with the shelves above the windows and your pretty dishes. Can we see a pic? I am a picture nut. I love seeing home decor. Hope you are feeling well. We have had a cold rain here today.