Friday, November 17, 2006

My main message

Maybe you should write a book.

I wish I had money for every time someone has mentioned this to me over the past years. It seems some people think I've learned a thing or two in the midst of trials. Lots of trials. :)

I do not have the time right now to even think of writing a I blog.

Here are some of the things I've learned that I have had to remind myself this very week.

1) Life isn't fair, or at least it does not appear to be this side of Eternity.

2) It isn't Heaven, yet.

3) If you expection perfection or nothing, you will always end up with nothing (thank you, Edith).

4) Your attitude toward life is your decision.

5) Life can be good, even with little just have to be creative.

6) Creativity is a gift God gives people who have little money.

7) You can enjoy the journey even if you do not understand the rocks in the path.

8) Grace is given on a daily basis, His mercies are new every morning as you spend time with Him.

9) You can decide to surround yourself with beauty or complain about the lack of it.

10) God is always in control, even if you are not.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you for this I found your list very inspiring :)