Having my grandchildren here has been fun but exhausting. I've completely forgotten what it is like to have little ones around that you must watch constantly. The work of motherhood is...work! It is in these preschool years that you are not only molding their little minds and their character, you spend 24/7 just keeping them out of T.R.O.U.B.L.E!
I babysat with the kids last night so their mommy and daddy could have dinner with my son-in-law's former major professor from when he received his PhD. They are very fond of her, our toddler having the professor's name as her middle name. They went to one of the posh restaurants in the area (she was paying!).
As I watched the three year old boy and four year old girl at play, I was again reminded of the preciousness of childhood (yes, even with a hyperactive and strong willed boy!). It was delightful to watch them as they made up games between themselves. I gave my grandson my old sunglasses so he immediately became a teacher. During the three hours, they were dancers, teachers, students (the four year old is a homeschooled preschooler, Kindergarten next year), a princess with a flying pony, and much more than I have time to tell.
I find myself constantly gazing at the little one who looks exactly as her mother did at that age. It is hard to believe so much time has passed. One of the benefits of grandparenting is seeing a new generation of godly children being raised, hearing my little ones singing hymns and praise songs to a God I didn't meet until my teens.
Now, I absolutely must go. I need to finish putting together last minute touches on my lessons. Yesterday I went to Kinkos and photocopied various news magazine articles which we will discuss today. We will be looking at the worldview of the journalists and how it comes through in their articles.
Please excuse typos and bad grammer, I really am in a rush but I wanted to stop in at least once this week. Be back again this weekend!
Thank you so much for taking the time to pop in here.
Do your duties.
Brenda, I am sure you are enjoying those little grandchildren. They do keep us on alert don't they?
Enjoy them!
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