Tuesday, September 05, 2006

On the coffee table

It has been a very busy week here so I needed something easy to read at night. The Real James Herriot has been my primary book but I needed something even easier to relax by these past few days. I'm afraid it has to be returned to the library only half read. That's why I like to own my books whenever possible. It's a great book, hopefully I can find it at a library sale or it will come out in paperback. (I'm still waiting for Crunchy Cons to come out in paperback, I know it is in the works.)

I Capture the Castle has been on the coffee table for a couple of weeks now. I bought a beautiful, old copy of it at Goodwill after seeing it recommended in one of my "books about books". I think it was Honey For a Woman's Heart by Gladys Hunt where it was recommended. I have only had time to read a few chapters of I Capture the Castle but I'm already enjoying it very much. Any book that has two sisters (living in an old castle) discussing Jane Austen and the Bronte's can't be all that bad. So far it doesn't have anything offensive in it. I think it's old enough (published in the 1940s) that I needn't be concerned. I believe there's a BBC movie based on the book which I'll have to see if our library has on DVD.

I also have the latest issues of Midwest Living and Tea Time to go through. Both have Autumn recipes I can't wait to try.

I'm going to enjoy my lighter reading. Next I'll have to add One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich by Alexander Solzhenitsyn to prepare for my son's Russian Literature class I'm putting together (and yes, I did have to pull the book off the shelf to look up spelling). Next week I begin teaching a class on "Literature as it affects our culture" for our homeschool co-op. I have figured out what books I'm going to use in the middle and end of the class, I have to think about the beginning. I'd better do more thinking...soon.


Mary said...

Hi Brenda,

I found your blog from a comment you left at Susan P's blog, A Place Called Home. If you are a kindred spirit to Susan, then I knew I would enjoy your blog. I will be reading your archives. I love reading blogs that are encouraging!

Blessings!! Mary

Isabella in the 21st Century said...

Hi Brenda
I came to you via Barbara (GLH) at Rainbow Cottage. I adore I Capture the Castle, and when my girls hit their teens, I will definitely give a copy to them. I very much enjoy your blog.

Anonymous said...

I want to sit in on your homeschool co-op when you discuss how Lit effects our culture. Sounds like a wonderful eye opening subject! Will you let us have a peak into your class every now and then?

Kelli said...

My husband read Crunchy Cons and really enjoyed it. I plan on reading it soon too.