Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Bits & Pieces

Beth Moore is one of my favorite Bible teachers. She has a way of taking the meat of the word and dishing it out like french silk pie. It taste wonderful (more, more!). Every Wednesday, she teaches on James Robison's Life Today show. It's all Beth on Wednesdays. Today she was talking about Mary and Martha. I'll never think of them the same, especially her description of Martha as the type who would bring a can of Lysol to the tomb.

She says she is mostly Mary but has a lot of Martha in her. She is certain she has a split personality brought about by childbirth. I can relate, childbirth brings about a lot of changes. I remind my daughter I never had acne until she was born when I was twenty-three. My son was born when I was thirty-five. My daughter has told people her mother was never the same after the baby was born (now sixteen years old). Sigh...

Not to change the subject but Lanier is back from her Summer hiatus. I love her writing so much, I've read her archives twice (and a few entries more than that).

Copperswife has a wonderful list of books (and where to purchase them) that are especially good for reading aloud. I'm going to return to read more about them as soon as my baking and housework is finished for the day. I've let it go a few days and it's amazing how three people who are gone a lot can clutter a house. I'm not so sure the kitties don't party when we sleep.


Susan P. said...

Beth Moore is awesome. I actually went to a weekend retreat that she did last summer and I can't even begin to describe how wonderful it was. I saw her on t.v. this morning spraying the can of lysol, I loved it, too!!

Mary said...

I am so amazed at how many of us have so many things in common. I love Tea Time magazine. Do you ever look at Southern Lady? Love it and I must get one of those GRITS books. I am enjoying reading thru your archives and I love the way you write. I would love to hear more about your home. You can give us a picture with your words!

Anonymous said...

I've been enjoying your blog very much. I am slowly making my way through the archives, as time allows. I love your writing! thanks for the link to my blog, too.

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

I get the feeling there are a lot of us that are similar. Sometimes it seems we're more alone with or "old fashioned vintage" ideas (whether we're sixteen or ninety!). We know we're not...

Thank you for your kind words. Coming from people whose blogs I enjoy, it means a lot.

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

I forgot to mention that I do like Southern Lady. It's a great magazine. I just saw that Grit is now a magazine. I was at Borders today to see if the new issue of Mary Janes Farm was there (it wasn't) and I saw the Grit.

We used to get the Grit newspaper when I was a kid.