Sunday, August 27, 2006

Sunday Dinner

Due to illness in the family, I'm at home this Sunday morning. Somehow the thought of a big Sunday dinner doesn't sound quite as good as homemade chicken soup. It's too hot and humid for soup so I'll share my favorite breakfast recipe.

I've tried a lot of pancake recipes through the years but this one has long been my favorite. It serves four big appetites but it is easily doubled and I expect tripled (I've never needed to make that many). There are three of us so I make any leftover batter into smaller pancakes, which are frozen and then put in the toaster when needed later.

This recipe uses buttermilk but you can also add a tablespoon or so of vinegar to milk and let it set for ten or fifteen minutes to get the same chemical reaction needed for the baking soda. I think the taste buttermilk adds is worth using it. I purchase fresh buttermilk every couple of months but I use the recipe in Laine's Letters to keep us in buttermilk between purchases.

My Favorite Pancakes
2 cups buttermilk
1/4 cups oil (I use canola or mild olive oil)
4 eggs
2 cups flour (it holds up well to all whole wheat flour)
2 t. soda
1 t. baking powder
dash salt
(I also add a teapoon...or two...of vanilla to the wet ingredients)

Mix wet ingredients very well then add flour mixture. Mix only until blended, there will still be some lumps. If it is too thick, you can add a little milk.

I put about a ladle at a time on a hot skilled. Of course, ladles come in different sizes!

This recipe comes from a Beverly Nye cookbook. She is a lady that used to teach homemaking skills on a Cincinnati TV show when I was a teenager. I find her cookbooks at library sales but most of her cookbooks are available on her website, which I found after doing a Google search to see if she is still around. By the way, this TV show was not a cooking show but was a mid-day live talk/entertainment show mainly for homemakers...times have changed since then. I'd say if you like the recipes in Taste of Home, you'll love her cookbooks...and they are very inexpensive.

I just checked her website to make sure I had the link correct. It was sad to find her husband had passed on. I wrote her after finding her site and she wrote me back saying he was ill (that was awhile ago). Of course, I watched her when I was a teenager so she has to be getting along in years. Do the math (or rather, don't do the math).

Have a blessed Sunday.


Anonymous said...

I didn't realize who Beverly Nye was till I clicked on her site. I realized I have 2 of the books she wrote and love them! I got them very cheap and got extras which I had given as gifts. I am so glad you gave us her site! I found you from comments at Homeliving. I will be returning often as I feel you have much more to share and I sure like your writing. Thankyou so much!

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

Welcome, Anna!

I think Beverly Nye is second only to my mother-in-law for how many recipes of hers I've used over the years.

I'm planning on purchasing her new book (soon, hopefully).