Sunday, August 27, 2006

The Beauty of The Return of the King

We finally finished watching The Return of the King on DVD tonight. I know, we purchased it long ago but I was waiting to read the book before watching this DVD. Since I have a stack of books to read for the upcoming co-op literature class, the James Herriot biography that has to be returned to the library and three Russian novels to skim for a Russian literature class for my son...I do not see TLOTR in my near future. Perhaps over the Christmas holidays. So we started watching it last Sunday and had to finish the second half this Sunday.

Sigh...I'm sorry I waited so long. Even with getting a headache from cringing at the battle scenes, it was still a beautiful film. I am a sceptic when it comes to putting books on film. This trilogy pulled me in right from the beginning of The Fellowship of the Ring and kept me going, albeit over a period of years. We discussed the possible theological implications as we watched the movie; the many Christ figures, the elves as angels, evil vs good, etc. Some day this Winter, when the snow is flying and we can't get out of our driveway, I'll declare a LOTR Film Day and have the pleasure of watching one right after the other. Kind of like our old Star Wars Thanksgivings...yes, we are Christians.


Emily said...

I'm slow to respond to your post, but I didn't see it until today! That book makes me cry because it is so enthralling, especially as a Christian. I know non-believers also love the book, and I know Tolkien wasn't trying to write a Christian allegory. But you just can't wondering how many of the most important themes in the book escape the notice of those who do not know a personal relationship with Christ. . . The movie was well done, but it does leave out sections of the book - most specifically, the section about Tom Bombadil (an environmentalist theme way before such was 'cool').

For some reason, just knowing that Tolkien was a Believer and having been influenced by his beliefs, this book touches my heart so deeply.

Read the book, yes, but if you are able to read the whole trilogy over Christmas holidays, wow! I don't know what I was thinking with two very small children, but after reading The Portrait of a Lady by Henry James, I decided to tackle the trilogy a couple of years ago. I think I only read about three books that year. . . Tolkien has too many detailed passages to ignore and skim too quickly, in my opinion!

(Don't read this part if you don't want to know the book ending although I do not mention all details.) Something else interesting to consider after having seen the movie version ending is to know that ultimately, in the novel, Frodo does not succeed in what he set out to do without falling prey to the ring's powers himself. The movie leads you to believe that Frodo, a mere humble creature, was the "saviour", but Tolkien actually shows that Frodo was unable to save anyone or himself alone. . . Tolkien's take on it obviously is more in line with Christianity in that we cannot ultimately save ourselves. Much more poignant than the movie, although the movie is quite entertaining and awesome.

Creative Life Studio said...

I have not read this series, as I am not a big fiction reader - though I do read some. My brother, also a strong believer as I am, has LOVED these books for years.

In the first movie, I was so moved when Gandolf (sp?) is confronting that huge, wicked monster and he shouts,holding his staff high, "YOU MAY NOT PASS!" Oh, I get chills just thinking of it. It just makes me think of Christ facing Satan and putting him in his place! It's my favorite part. Wonderful stuff!

Ms. Kathleen said...

We recently had our LOTR movie day and of course it was superb! I have read the books many times. The first when I was pregnant and bedridden with my second child. I know the apprehension you must have been feeling when you heard they were making the books into a movie.

We also our our Jane Austen movie days and our Bronte movie days... There are so many great movies and books out there. Have you seen Wives and Daughters? I highly recommend it :)