Saturday, February 26, 2022

Living the Pantry Lifestyle - When we need to believe in worst case scenarios

A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions. The simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences.
Proverbs 22:3 NLV 

I've been hearing about people leaving the Ukraine for the past couple of weeks, those who did not want to risk staying in case Russia attacked.  What I found shocking were the scenes shown on various news channels and on the Internet of citizens standing in long lines at ATM machines, scrambling to get what was left on grocery shelves, waiting in long lines for gas to escape the cities, and needless to say the gridlock of traffic trying to leave the cities... on the day Russia crossed the border.

I mean, really people... the Russian military has been building up at your borders for awhile now and even more so in the past weeks.  It wasn't until I heard a commentary about the situation in the Ukraine that I found out their government has been telling them not to worry and that everything will be alright.  Russia would not invade!

Whether the government really believed that or they were not wanting to provoke panic in the population is not obvious but I realized it was proof of what I have believed for a long time... we need to listen to our own instincts.   There were thousands of troops at their border, it had to mean something.

If there were submarines on the shores of either coastline in the U.S., whether they were Russian or Chinese, I don't care what the government says, I'm going to assume they are there for less than friendly purposes.  I would (and I do) spend time asking God for His wisdom.

We live in a completely different world than we did just a little over two years ago and a radically different nation here in the United States since the new administration took over.  In my wildest imagination, I never thought the nation could change this quickly.

I have long felt God was warning me that changes could come suddenly.  I wasn't too concerned for we have had the "suddenlies" in our own life, such as an unexpected job loss.  However, when these latest world wide changes came, I didn't have anything in recent history to have an affect on my expectations. 

What I have had for years now, and I know many of you have had the same thing, was a feeling in my spirit that God was warning to prepare for these changes.  Christians all over the world have had these nudges from God that we needed to prepare in the best way we could.

For some, that meant moving to the country and becoming more self sufficient.  We made the decision about sixteen years ago to move to the country, although we have neighbors living close by so the ability to be self sufficient was limited.  Even before health concerns became more evident. We felt at the time that as we grew older, having people living near us would be more important and that has proven to be true.

What we have been able to do is to stay out of debt as much as possible.  We have had to go into debt for a car repair or to purchase a new appliance but we paid those loans off as soon as possible.  We keep our old van going, making repairs as needed, especially with the cost of newer used cars right now (we almost always have purchased later model used cars instead of new cars).

When we both still worked part-time seasonally, we used that income to either pay off a debt or to make a purchase such as our deep freeze.  We were (and are) blessed to have kids who have paid our way to go on vacation with them a few times but as much as they tempt me to travel these days, I'm just not up to it.

We would never have made these priorities if there wasn't a sense that something was going to happen.  I guess our eschatology had something to do with it since we have long believed we were living in the "last days".  But honestly... both my husband and I have said that we didn't expect to see these changes to the country during our lifetime.

We need to take a lesson from what is happening in the Ukraine and that is to hope for the best but be prepared (as much as possible) for the worst.  I don't think food prices are coming down any time soon... if they ever do... so anything we can purchase now will save us money in the long run.

Whatever skills that would be beneficial to learn should be put on our "To Do" list now and not put them off.  I am a terrible procrastinator and it has become worse since my energy level is lower.  I am preaching to myself that priorities must be made for time and energy just as I do with finances already.

Recently, I have been putting together some more items that can go to charity including books and some teacups with saucers.  These were all items I knew I wouldn't read given my eyesight, my kids wouldn't be interested in, and the teacups were not my very favorites.  Believe me, I have enough left of both books and teacups from my collections.  ;)

Except for prayer, I cannot change what is going on in the world but I do still have control over what happens in my house.  By sending to charity what I don't need, someone else will appreciate them and I have less clutter.  

While it is important to stock the pantry for everyone even a little and to gain skills if we need them, it is also important to make our home environment one that is peaceful and beautiful to us, our family, and those who come to visit our home. Understanding that since humans live in every home, complete peace is not always available. 

It has been a very snowy and icy February so the last time I was at the grocery store, I purchased an inexpensive pot of chrysanthemum with yellow flowers.  I think of these as autumnal flowers but this one was very cheerful.  I made room for it in the vintage pan that holds a few green plants and it added a Spring-like cheer to the family room.

We absolutely must invest in our mental health in this changing and tension filled world.  I can see a couple more inexpensive flowers purchased in the near future and I'm thankful they are still available at a low price.  I had been purchasing one small inexpensive green plant on stock up day to add more nature to our home.

I purchased another throw on clearance (I may have written about that recently) for $5.00 and stayed up late to watch the lovely Christmas season finale of All Creatures Great and Small (which was free, of course, on the television).  All, however, were choices made for joy.

We absolutely need to run toward what will fill our hearts with joy, with peace, and with faith. For me, that includes bringing nature inside of our home.  I smile whenever I see the variegated spider plant hanging in front of the window with a snowy scene on the other side.  I love great stories told on screen or in books (or on Audible), perusing cookbooks for new ideas, listening to faith filled music, and moo goo gai pan takeout for dinner after a stressful day.

I've written for years about stocking the pantry a little at a time.  I think we are at the point now that if you haven't put very much back, according to the needs of yourself or your family, it will soon be necessary to purchase something each week.  If you pray about it, God will tell you what you need to concentrate on putting back.  Each home is different.

Remember that all can change suddenly and that worst case scenarios are possible.  If we are staying close to the Lord by reading His Word and talking to Him throughout the day (aka: praying), then whatever the future holds, we know we can be at peace.  He holds you in the palm of His hand.  He will never let you slip through his proverbial fingers. 

NoteAmazon is getting rid of the widgets on the sidebar so I will be removing the one here in a couple of days.  I'm still trying to figure out the changes in their linking system.  They are obviously wanting bloggers to change to flashier types of advertisements.  Sigh...

ImageA queue of cars in western Ukraine waiting to enter Hungary Photograph: Shaun Walker/The Guardian


lejmom said...

I don't comment, but read you faithfully every Saturday and Sunday. Thank you for the sensible and uplifting posts. I look forward to visiting with you in my mind and heart. You are a ministry of sorts and I am grateful for you. Thank you. Jane in Florida

Suzan said...

I feel for those in Ukraine. I am hoping that the tradition of having a summer home has saved some people.

Right now my area has been under a long lasting weather pattern that has seen it rain and rain for days. Last night the debris from the rain has impacted the water treatment works and both of our major facilities at that. I am so happy that we have water to tide us through.

God bless.

Carol in Texas said...

Hasn’t All Creatures Great and Small been a blessing to watch? We have SO enjoyed both seasons. The actors are just terrific and the scenery is gorgeous. Stories that tell wonderful stories and leave you with a smile in your heart. Many thanks to all the talented people who have put this series together. We did not watch an earlier series by the same name years ago….I think it is available on Prime. But I so love this cast that I don’t want to see the story with any other actors. We’ve also been enjoying Doc Martin. Our PBS station started showing that series during the pandemic. I had never seen that series and we look forward to each Thursday night to watch it. I’m tempted to subscribe to Acorn TV so we can see the whole 9 seasons. Our station has only shown 3 or 4 and then they repeat them. I do enjoy your blog and read each one thoughtfully. You make me stop and think! Thanks so much!

Unknown said...

Have you considered posting your teacups and saucers...maybe the people who read your blog would love to purchase a teacup and saucer set from a lady whose blog they read. ..just thinking...but it might prove to be a big hastle with going to the post office. I think some people do not realize how much they need to put back to really live off their own pantry in one of these situations become a reality. Think about how many people live in your house and if you were to purchase a can of soup for each many would you need to have for one month of lunch meals for your household? I am using a can of soup for an example, I realize most are high in sodium and other extras...but if you don't have power and you could build a fire or use a solar oven it would be an easy meal. In your knowledge, do you know of a good list that a common household would need to have on hand. For example: How many pounds of rice or beans per person?