Saturday, January 30, 2021

Living the Pantry Lifestyle - Just popping in!

I had a little accident with my foot yesterday so I didn't sleep well last night and I have been dozing on and off all day with the foot propped on pillows.  So, I am just too tired and drained to write anything.

We have been under a Winter Storm Warning and the snow is just now beginning.  This will be the most snow received this winter should we get as much as is predicted.

I will share that to use the canned chicken I tested last week, I combined it in a saucepan with about 3/4ths of a jar of leftover salsa from the refrigerator to make chicken tacos with it.  I noticed there was a little of the brown rice left from another meal so I added it to the party.  Something I learned to do from a burrito ordered long ago at a fancy Mexican restaurant.

Honestly, you couldn't tell it was canned chicken except that it shredded a little more than the roasted chicken I would usually use.  I love real pantry meals since I keep canned chicken and plenty of jars of organic salsa stocked when it is available at Aldi.  

The brown rice is usually Birds Eye Frozen Brown Rice in a microwavable bag.  Since I'm just cooking for two most of the time, these bags provide just enough brown rice needed. Those packages are obviously kept in the freezer until needed and then the leftovers are refrigerated.

I hope to be more rested and alert tomorrow.

Image:  These are neither my beautiful socks or equally beautiful fireplace. 


Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

I'm sorry to hear about your foot injury. Hopefully you'll be back on your feet soon. In the meantime your pantry supper sounds delicious. Stay safe and cozy.

Anonymous said...

I like the socks whoever's they are. Sorry for your foot injury.
Get well soon wishes! Blessings, Sharon D.

Ann said...

Hope you heal quickly. And enjoy the warmth of your lovely home while it snows.

elizabeth said...

I hope you feel better VERY soon, God bless!

Rebecca said...

I'm sorry t hear about your accident. We're expecting snow here in NE Indiana as well. I look forward to some lowkey hours tomorrow and some creative cooking for the three of us.

Kay said...

I'm sorry you are hurting. Praying now.

I looked at the canned chicken when I was at Walmart yesterday. I didn't buy any but was surprised at how depleted the shelves were. I think I really need to get a pressure canner and can some beef. Dh is not a big fan of poultry but maybe would eat canned ground beef or cubed beef or pork. I've read about canning burgers or sausage patties. Maybe meatballs? I'm trying to think of what we already eat.

We had 10-12" of snow this past Monday. We stayed home from work since the brunt was suppose to come in during work hours. I'm so glad we did. It took Farmer a good 90 mins to get us dug out on the place and then to cut through the drifts on the road. We had to buck quite a few drifts with the pickup but did make it to and from town. Another 2 days of more snow moving; him with the tractor and me with the scoop shovel and it's finally easier to get around here.

I'm ready for spring.

Terra said...

I was admiring your socks and fireplace and then found they are not yours! Be well and rest that tootsie.

Vee said...

Sorry to read about the foot injury. Hope that it is doing better every day. In the meantime, you can get caught up on your reading and dreaming and post planning.

Cheryl said...

Hope your foot feels better. I'm a diabetic and the only one who eats Brown rice. I make it and divide in 1/3c portions and freeze in sandwich bags. They defrost fast and is easy to do.

Deanna Rabe said...

Sorry you injured your foot! Pantry meals are great!