Sunday, December 13, 2020

Sunday Afternoon Tea - Celebrating with Beauty and Joy

After a couple of years when we had early snowfalls, this year has been warmer than average (off and on) as well as gloomy.  Cloudy. Snow-less.  The snow would reach just north of us and then go no more.  We did have some lake effect snow this week and while counties closer to the Lake wore a mystical magical layer of white... one had to look closely to find the occasional flurry out of my kitchen window.

However, as with so many events this year, Christmas is what we make it to be regardless of circumstances.  I have made some Christmas candy, dried orange slices for decorations, and enjoyed very much the sparkle in my home.  There are three episodes of The Christmas Chronicles downloaded on the Amazon Fire and maybe this year I will get to every episode of the podcast.  I am finally watching White Christmas this afternoon, my first viewing this season of a favorite movie.

I learned long ago that when our life seems to shrink... mine caused by an auto immune illness twenty years ago and much of the world by COVID-19 this year... we must continue to enjoy those aspects of this Holiday season that we love the most... even if few other people now get to enjoy it with us.  

I don't always need an audience of friends and family, sometimes doing something beautiful just for me (and God who sees all things) is enough.  Although, of course, in normal years it is much more enjoyable to share the celebration with loved ones.

It was important to continue at least a few of my favorite traditions like decorating the tree, baking Christmas candies and cookies, watching Christmas movies, reading a couple Holiday related books, and listening to the music of the Season. 

The knowledge that an A1C test will show my doctor if I have been good... or not... for three months helps me stay away from enjoying too many Christmas treats.  Although he does say that he understands most of us are not as careful during the Holidays.  ;)

I remember looking through the original Victoria magazines and wishing I had the lovely china and silver shown in the photos.  Then came the decision to begin collecting teacups and saucers, transferware, and beautiful silver plate objects... all at thrift stores very cheap.  How silly that I had the mindset one needed to inherit such beauty to own it. That one decision brought such Beauty to my home and it has not cost very much.

There is a commercial playing this year, I don't remember what it is telling us to buy, that speaks a lot of Truth.  It's message is that someone has to make Christmas a priority or it doesn't happen.  Oh, of course, December 25th comes around each year and there will be in most homes a Christmas tree and even the smallest of gifts.  

However, the experience that can be Christmas?  That feeling that this is a magical (Narnia magic) time of year when Heaven kisses the earth? Well, that takes a little more doing and needs to be taken on by someone who loves to "make Christmas" festive and beautiful and magical, often with the addition of greenery, sparkle, candle light, and perhaps some chocolate and peppermint.

Whether we are alone this season or we live in an area where a houseful of guests are still allowed... it is important that there are experiences to remember.  While pizza ordered on New Year's Eve sounds quite appealing, I need something a little more celebratory for Christmas.  If it will be a full meal with my son's family on Christmas Eve or something simple for just the two of us Christmas Day, it needs to be at least a little special.

I think finding joy in this Season is a type of emotional and spiritual warfare against the heartbreak and loneliness that is 2020 for many people.  How important it is that those of us who know Christ as Savior... whose first advent we celebrate and whose second advent we anticipate... above all people must do something a little special this time of year.

Mentioned in this Blog Post

Nigel Slater's Christmas Chronicles podcast... you can listen to them here or download from your favorite podcast app.  I have the first three downloaded to my Amazon Fire right now. 

The book, The Christmas Chronicles, can be found... here.

The movie, White Christmas, can be purchased on DVD... here, and it can be streamed from Amazon Video... here.  It can be seen on a couple TV stations through Christmas, too.

Disclaimer:  Most links to are Associate links.

Image: Winter Scene (The artist is Darrell Bush, thank you for letting me know!)


Anonymous said...

I do know who the artist is! He and his wife are lifelong friends of ours. His name is Darrell Bush. You also used an image of his on your post last Sunday as well.

Pam Horner

Angela said...

"When heaven kisses the earth." Oh Brenda I am speechless that is so beautiful! Bless you!

Pat in DE said...

The artist is Darrell Bush. Here's a link:

Donna H. said...

Hi Brenda! I love your header art on this post, and I believe it may be a piece by Darrell Bush. There's a website at www dot DarrellBush art dot com where you may be able to confirm.

Here's wishing you and yours a wonderful holiday season!


PS - You were the first blogger I ever read and I still love your blog!

Vee said...

"Winter Song" by Darrell Bush? I think. Try

That was a fun challenge.

Deanna Rabe said...

With my girls married, or at school, I was sad to think of watching White Christmas alone this year. God winked at me when a friend and her teen/preteen girls were coming over for an evening. They love White Christmas and so we watched it together and ate snacks and then talked for several hours afterward!

I do enjoy making Christmas, even if it’s only myself who will appreciate it! I know dear friends who don’t decorate at all unless their grandkids will be coming. I just have to decorate in some way for myself! It feeds the need of beauty I have deep in my soul!

Much love to you this Christmas season, dear friend!

Vee said...

😁 And even a commenter who is a personal friend...pretty cool! Mr. Bush is a wonderful artist. "Warm Reflections" also reminds me of your home.

I never would have thought that my reaction to Christmas this year would be so meh. It's not that I am not grateful that He came...we need Him desperately. It's just that the baking, the expense, the decorating is overwhelming. I am a perfectionist so, if it can't be perfect, why bother. And that's no way to be so I must try.

Sherry said...

the little bit of Christmas decor and baking i've done, less than in years past, took a bit of doing as i would have been fine to simply go through the season w/o. but. you're right in that we need to make the season happen. i'm thankful i did. and much appreciation for the amazon links shared .. they're bookmarked using your link option.

we have fresh snow and deer tracks. today we'll venture north about 40 minutes to a real grocery store, taking our time on the twisty roads with ice patches. we have company coming friday through monday. planning to make cinnamon rolls among other yUmmies.