I'm writing this on the iPad while stretched out on the sofa. Last week this time, I was enjoying finally feeling well again. After two weeks that pesky virus was gone. Then on Monday, I woke up with a sore throat that by Tuesday became one of the worst cold and coughs I've had in years.
I haven't been online because my eyes are swollen as the screen is too bright. Except to message my daughter that I thought it possible to die from coughing. She has had a bad cough so she could understand.
I will keep you updated and hopefully return mid-week. All prayers appreciated.
Prayers for healing and returning strength for you.
Oh My Goodness! Praying!!
Laura C.(WA)
Of course, I am SO sad to hear of your 3rd bout with sickness.
I'm hearing many, many versions of this cycle of illness.
I feel very fortunate to have missed out personally.
Hoping you're up and about soon to re-enter your service as "missionary of beauty". (Not sure I commented on that particular post, but I was very intrigued by it.)
So sorry you are "under the weather" again. Prayers for a speedy recovery. Blessings, Sharon D.
Hi Brenda!
I have not been here in a long while. I was just looking at my blog and thought I have done a lot since I posted last. I am sorry to see that you are sick. There is a lot of flu and deaths here in NC. My husband and I try not to get near it. The bad thing about it is that the main place we go is to the doctor! I had to go the other week for blood sugar and blood pressure check up and I asked not to be put in a room where someone had been sick with the flu. They have a CLEAN room that they put me in.
Take care and I hope you get well soon. Maybe after I get our taxes done, I will upset my blog.
So sorry to hear. Trusting God will share an extra dose of his presence as you suffer.
Dear Brenda I am sorry to hear you are not feeling well. I am sending my best wishes and prayers to you. I will look forward to your next post. Take care of yourself. If that cough persists, please seek medical help.
No! I mean yes to prayers, but not another bug. How disappointing, Brenda, to be caught again just when you thought you were home free. It's the stuff of novels and movies... Chicken soup...maybe your daughter-in-love will send a pot over and Christopher can leave it on the doorstep. Take it easy...Praying for a speedy recovery.
Oh that's just the pits!! Put your feet up, cover up with a cat and rest. I hope you had a moment to stock up your "sick pantry" for just this kind of emergency. I know your advice on that came in soooo handy about a year ago when I had surgery. I made sure that I had a few easy things like soup, canned fruit and yogurt to nosh on while I recovered. And I also made sure I had easy things for dinner.
Take care Brenda....will say some prayers for a speedy recovery!
Hope you feel better soon.
Sorry to hear this, Brenda. God bless you. Rest well.
Oh, dear Brenda, I am certainly praying for you....There have been some bad viruses around this winter......Be well!
Oh no!! I will pray for a speedy and long-lasting recovery for you!
I hope you feel better soon! Rest and take care of yourself, some of those colds develop into the nastiest bugs. (((Hugs)))
I too will be praying Brenda. Be careful of coughing so hard. My husband did that last year and threw his back out. The doctor said they see many people who do that. It is common. Who knew? Try to get some better cough medicine to keep on hand.Sarah
Dear friend,
I'm praying right now for you. Do you have any eucalyptus oil? Putting some on the bottom of your feet will help with your cough. We've done it several times, and it has worked well.
Praying for you dear Brenda. (MD)
Oh my! You certainly have had a difficult spell of unpleasantness. Prayers for comfort and a speedy recovery. Missing your Sunday post but maybe you can spend some snuggle time with your fur baby.
Get well soon Brenda. Will keep you in my prayers.
Brenda - I'm so sorry that this "bug" came back. I don't know what they're calling this but it's been so hard on so many people this winter. I WILL pray for you to be on the mend (again, but this time for good). Take care and keep resting.
Mary S.
hugs and prayers for healing up soon.
I had a terrible cough and allayed it with 2-3 cloves of garlic that had ben crushed and inhaled -- it worked like a charm -- I don't know why but it was recommended by several people. Try and see if it helps.
So sorry to hear you are ill again!! Yes, you can die from coughing...don't wait too long to seek help from doc if this does not subside soon. In the most remote place we lived (45 minutes from a town) we all fell ill one time and it was excessive coughing...we could not stop long enough to use our inhalers properly even!! I do believe we had whooping cough. Will be praying you recover soon!!
Elizabeth in WA
Still praying and hoping that you are getting healthier minute by minute....I wonder whether our too warm weather this winter has failed to kill off the bad bugs that are making people ill!
It sounds so awful!! Praying you improve soon!
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