Thursday, January 23, 2014

My World this Week

We awoke to -24 degree wind chills this morning.  They are to become even colder tonight.  Not to mention the snow... all the snow.

I keep reminding myself it is very good for the farmers and my garden.

Reading for fiction... September  which is "kind of a sequel" to The Shell Seekers  by Pilcher.  Did you know the latter book was on the BBC list of The 100 Best Loved Novels in England? While both books are written about a worldly lifestyle (much like people I know in real life), none of her books are what I would call defiling. 

Re-reading for the Pantry Lifestyle... Food Security for the Faint of Heart.

Re-reading an old favorite nonfiction story because I thought of it recently... Good Bye Boise, Hello Alaska.  Wonderful true story!

(All links are Amazon Associate link where... should one make a purchase... I get a tiny percentage.  It costs neither of us anything but the time to click.)

Fascinating PBS series, the final episode was last night!


Frugal Choice
Hubby found a non GMO Canola oil at the health food store... within our budget which the organic was not.

Snowed In...
That is C.'s car we are borrowing... cannot get in our driveway!

Winter Mornings

Winter Evenings

Her Fluffiness
I already mentioned the deck table we temporarily brought in from the garage.  It will probably stay in its' present location until Spring, when it returns to the deck.

Someone absolutely loves it as her guard cat perch.  By the way, it has been scrubbed clean since I took this picture.  Just saying...


Janie said...

I read Goodbye, Boise...Hello, Alaska years ago. It really is an interesting story. Back then, I thought I'd like that adventure, but now, no way!


Anonymous said...

Aw, we've just gotten a few TINY flakes... the first since 2012! But we are in Texas.... =) I love your kitty's.... they are beautimus!

Anonymous said...

Have you read Cora Holmes sequel? It is "Dear Cora." Just as wonderful as the first! Dee/ MN

Vee said...

That first photo is perfection! I love it. You really do have some snow. It didn't make it all the way here.

Nana said...

Hi Brenda;
Such cozy weather to read Pilcher books. Hope you keep warm, good to see you have canola oil. Love and hugs, Nana

Anonymous said...

love the pictures! and can't believe I've known you since 2006! love and hugs from warm California (lol) Joanna :)

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

We have lots of snow too! And cold temperatures are making for some tricky roads around here!

I always want to read every book you mention. Thankfully you post them here and I can come back as a reference.

I'm thinking her fluffiness is happy to not have to put her delicate paws into the snow!


Anonymous said...

SNOW--we have snow here in East Texas! That's not common but this has not been a "common" winter. Temp was a high 26 this morning compared to yours--but it's cold for us. Love your pictures. Stay warm and eat lots of soup, read lots of books.
Blessings, Sharon D.

Lisa said...

I am just finishing "The Tapestry" by Edith Schaeffer, at your recommendation. Even though I thought it could have used a little more editing, I did really enjoy it. I had never heard of the Schaeffers until I read your writings. What other books of theirs do you recommend, did you go to L'Abri, and is it still in existence?

Aritha V. said...

I love your photos. Here no snow. The children are longing for it.

suzanne said...

happy to see your post and almost(mind you, I said "almost") envying you the snowy weather. The good thing about snow is that it covers so much dreary and drab landscape of winter. I need to start a list that notes all the very interesting books you mention in your blog. The pictures are great, and help me to be mindful of the beauty God lays before us every single day!

Julie said...

I loved Goodbye Boise, Hello Alaska. Especially since I grew up in Boise. I have really been enjoying your posts. You are so encouraging. Thank you! Julie

Keri said...

The Winter Mornings photo makes me feel warmer just looking at it. Beautiful sunshine! I think the sun and blue skies we've had here in Kentucky have made the snow and frigid temps SO much more bearable! That being said, I'm very much looking forward to our first family trip to Disney World in a week! At this point, Orlando is chilly like the rest of the country, but the long-term forecast is promising... :-)