Sunday, November 17, 2013

Sunday Afternoon Tea

The slothful man saith, "There is a lion in the way; a lion in the streets".
Proverbs 26:13 KJV

"It's a dangerous business, Frodo, going out your front door."
J. R. R. Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings

Did you know that?  I looked over at my husband who was working his crossword puzzle and asked if he caught the statistic given on the documentary.

Hear what?  Obviously not...

At the signing of the Declaration of Independence, the average age of the men was less than 44 years old.  Many were in their 20s and 30s.  We think of them as being old because of the portraits taken later in life.

He thought for a moment and told me it made sense to him.  Revolution is mostly a young man's game.  He thought the older you get, the more you desire comfort and consistency.
I hadn't thought of it before but if I were this age in that Age... I'd pay the stamp tax and make a cake on King George's birthday.  Because I always have made a cake and what's a little change here and there compared to Big Change all over.
My thoughts went immediately to the above verse from Proverbs.  I'd heard many sermons with that piece of Scripture given as a warning to sloth and the dangers of laziness.  But recently I heard another sermon... whether on TV or the radio I can't recall... but the subject was not sloth but fear.

We dare not take that first step, we shudder at going out the front door to a new adventure.  We turn away from the journey God has for us because we are... afraid.
There may be a lion in the streets... a lion that tells us we will fail, a lion that accuses, one that roars with laughter at our first feeble attempts, a lion which nips at our feet with our past failures, a lion that whispers in our ear the question, "Did God really say that?".
There are lions amongst us, you know.  

There is the one that roams the streets "as a lion", trying to cause havoc in our lives so that our journey is one of the timid... as the servant who buried the talent the Master had given him because he was afraid.

But then there is THE Lion, not the pretender who goes around roaring in the streets as if he was in charge of our lives.  No... the authentic One.  The Lion of Judah.  The real King of Narnia.  The King of Middle Earth who does not "share his power". 

The King of Kings and Lord of Lords

I admit that given my health and ummm... years lived... I tend to give more credit to the false lion as he roams the roads outside my door.  I am tired, just give me my throw and my pillow and let me take a nap.  I hear him roaring in the world and I don't like it, no I do not like it one bit.

Revolution?  I am too weak.  Too old.  Too weary.  It has been a rocky path and frankly there are others who can take on the lion.  War is for the young.

But then there is a gentle tap on the shoulder of my soul.  The kindest of shaking.  The softest of roars.  The Lion of Judah is on the prowl and He needs me.  He needs you.  He needs all of us.

It cannot be a young man's revolution.  No... all is required in the age in which we live.  He has a work for everyone, be they young or old... healthy or challenged... rich or poor... weak or strong.

He accepts us where we are and does not ask for more than we can give.  He wants all of us, all of our strength we can give to the Battle of the Ages.  But He also knows we are "but dust".

So... as for me and my house... we will do our part.  I will not keep my ear to the door, listening for the roar of the lying lion.  I will instead ask what I can do for the Kingdom. 

All of us can pray.  Some can give.  Others can go.  The called will serve.  But none are to turn the deadbolt lock of their lives and hide and tremble underneath the covers.  It isn't Heaven, yet.

We will listen to the lions walking outside our door but the true question is... which message will we believe?


Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

Well said, well said.

I feel the gentle tap on my soul's shoulder...

Thank you, Brenda!

Thickethouse.wordpress said...

What a very good post, Brenda. The message we believe will be the one that shapes our actions. A few months ago one of my cousins asked me if I knew the most often given message in the Bible and I was surprised to learn that it is, "Fear not", "Don't be afraid," and other ways of saying this. Fear, or even an excess of caution can freeze me into inaction, completely unnecessary inaction.

Anonymous said...

powerful, powerful post!!and timely for me. just this morning i was wondering if i should "take a break" from helping with nursery at church. i'm tired, too. your thoughtful and encouraging words reminding us to keep on keepin' on are just what i needed!blessed is the Lion of Judah!

Anonymous said...

Excellent post, Brenda! I am feeling revolution in my spirit and trying to run from the conflict. But, standing on His Word - speaking Grace to it - and my foe will be disarmed in God's due season!

Vee said...

Wow. What a piece of writing and so convicting without making me feel terrible. Fear, being older, not feeling well, not much funds, they all figure into the mix, but you are is not heaven yet.

Anonymous said...

Such a strange coincidence. Our parish priest who hails from Nigeria told us in his homily this afternoon that we are not supposed to live in fear.

Tracey McBride ~ Frugal Luxuries® said...

That is one of my favors LOTR quotes Brenda....a subtle reminder that all things in this realm are transitory. Sadly, I'm afraid I'm much too much like a hobbit at times.

I really like your choice of image...and the accompanying trivia-that's-not-trivial regarding our founding fathers. I agree that revolution is a young persons pastime but, like you, I believe we are never too old to do what is right...even when it's out of our hobbit-like comfort zone.
You do have an uncanny way of posting things that I am feeling...with perfect timing.
Most definitely this is a post that provokes thought as well as soul searching.
Seems I've arrived back here at just the right time.

Cheryl said...

Allowing faith, not fear to control my life is a daily choice. I am challenged by your words here. Thank you!

Linda said...

Great message. I too feel too tired most of the time to feel I could do anything, so the reminder to listen for God's call on my life in this time is a good reminder for me. Thanks.