Wednesday, November 06, 2013

My World this Week

Yesterday morning
The outside world is rainy and blustery once again.  It appears to be another mid-week occurrence of weather that leaves one feeling quite cozy.  I love October but November is also a favorite.  Shorter days, shadowy afternoons, and cool weather are still considered lovely.

Christopher stopped by yesterday evening to assist his father with his fantasy basketball league.  Hubby has been playing fantasy football in our son-in-law's league for ages but he only agreed to basketball so C. could have enough players to form the league.  He is a huge Chicago Bull's fan but doesn't follow basketball like Christopher and his friends.

It was amusing to have my son enter through the front door and arrive in the kitchen sniffing the garlic and onion infused air as he did when he lived here, asking what was for dinner.  If the sausage lentil stew was closer to being done, I'd have sent some home with him.

Sorry about that computer code in last week's post.  I took out the picture it was over, thinking that would also remove it.  It did not.  Weird... no clue as to what caused it.

Now for the happenings this week in my world as seen through the lens of the camera.



Tea Time
Twinings offered three free samples, these are what I chose... all new to me.

The Desk
I'll show a few different views later...

The Front Yard

Her Fluffiness
She had not slept in that chair until I placed a teddy bear there.  Now she loves to snuggle up... so cute!


Marge said...

I have Shaye Elliot's cookbook, From Scratch, and I have read it cover to cover several times. I love it and have used it often in the past couple of months since it came out. It is easy to make most of the recipes gluten free. Have you used it?

Anonymous said...

I love how the sun shines on your wall in the picture of your desk. Your home is so cozy, I want to come for a visit! Cold, rainy autumn evenings are my favorites!
Mrs. L.

Echoes From the Hill said...

Love the different colors in the leaves on your lawn. Looks like confetti!
I have an antique commode table very similar to yours. I bought it, when I was in my early twenties and pregnant with my second child, (Christopher). That was a long time ago, and it was an antique then, and painted white and green and had wallpaper, with big cabbage roses glued to the front. Refinished, it is pretty and holds board games inside and a duck decoy lamp, that my dad made, years ago, on top.


suzanne said...

those leaves look like so much confetti thrown on the ground! so lovely. i am envious. not too much autumn color down here in coastal sc. so i live vicariously thru your lovely pix. LOVE your desk. now there's a statement. looks like lots of important things might go on at that desk. with such vibrant accompanying accessories.

Heather L. said...

A friend gave me a box of the Prince of Wales tea. A bit more on the Chinese side of tea than I like but it was nice for a change once in awhile. Must look for Winter Spice

Vee said...

The yard's leaves look like fallen flowers. I have some truly embarrassing photos of my kitty snuggling with Lambchop. Makes us laugh...guess kitties enjoy something else with fur.

Your winter spice tea sounds so good. A cozy post for a November day...

mdoe37 said...

Prince of Wales? Hmm I read about that one, can't find it in the store. I'm learning to like Twinings Irish Breakfast with milk and sugar (cubes). Its not Coca Cola by any stretch of the imagination. :) I need to get my order out from Upton, loose leaf Russian Caravan...pretty good, I like the name. I haven't really gotten that whole tea leaf brewing thing down though.

Unknown said...

lovely leaf confetti!
thanks for sharing said...

I just ordered the Winter Spice for my "freebie" also! Sounded interesting for the upcoming season.
Lovely that you have a nice organized room now....are Christophers' university books gone now?

Debbie said...

I LOVE when my adult sons walk unexpectedly through our front door and walk into the kitchen sniffing like they did when they were young, asking what's for dinner. Just warms my heart for some reason and makes me want to load a plate, haha. The chair that holds your kitty has the exact pattern of a coach and love seat combo we had for years! LOVED it! See...I knew we had much in common. Enjoy your day!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a place for everything and everything in it's place on your desk. So neat and pretty. Aren't the colorful fall leaves so beautiful? Love them.
So good you get to see your son often.
Blessings, Sharon D.

Cheryl (Copperswife) said...

Oh! Those leaves under the tree in your front yard!! Such glorious, riotous color! Just beautiful!

I was inspired by your desk picture. I realize that what my desk needs is a pretty, small lamp to warm it up. I'll be watching for one. Thanks for the inspiration!

Manuela@A Cultivated Nest said...

I read Jerusalem's book. I'll be interested to see what you think of it. I love her blog.

Winter spice sounds like a nice cozy tea.

The leaves are such pretty colors! Our trees are just losing their leaves now.

Her Fluffiness must like having something to cozy up to!

sherry said...

i spied the book "A Return to Sunday Dinner." i have that book and refer to it often, for recipes, inspiration, and quotes. :) was thinking of sharing a bit of it this month on my blog. :)

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...


I'd be choosing a cup of that Winter Spice, that intrigued me.

And Her Fluffiness actually came up in a conversation between me and hubby this early morning. I no longer recall the context, but there she is, filling the lives of other bloggers with her purr-fect sense of good taste.

Mmmm... interesting about the chair and how the teddy bear created a more inviting snooze spot for her.

Thanks for sharing all the lovely glimpses of your world this week.

Morning's Minion said...

I've been studying the close-up photo of leaves, trying to identify the various species. Maple, of course, but your area has them in the shades of red and orange with which we were familiar in New England. Maples here [KY] turn yellow and gold. I'm wondering if some of your trees are box elder--which I'm told is yet another form of maple.