Friday, August 23, 2013

Where I wax poetic about the reading of books...

My friend, Sally Clarkson, has asked me to write a guest post for her personal blog once in awhile on the subject of books.  Of course, I said YES!

So that is how I came to be guest posting today.  I'm sharing how I "stalk" various authors... but only through their books, of course.  :)

You can find the guest post... here.

Artwork:  Woman Reading by Adrian Paul Allinson


Vee said...

An enjoyable read, Brenda. I've returned here to comment because it's easier here. I'm beginning a stalking of a local author. I do enjoy being up on what is going on with the locals. Hope that your friend enjoys the books you've gifted him with and that it causes him to wish to stalk, too.

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

I've been to read your guest post. Always enjoy your 'book' reads.

I haven't read all of Ann Morrow Lindbergh's diaries, although I've read all of L.M. Montgomery's journals.

Thickethouse.wordpress said...

A lovely post, Brenda, though it was a bit confusing for a minute or two as to where Sally's words ended and yours began.

Rebecca said...

Earlier this week I posted about my current read - which was triggered by the day's entry in the book my husband and I are reading devotionally. This one is SO interesting - humorous, wise, and quite wonderful, really....A collection of letters of Flannery O'Connor. (I ordered it from our public library.)

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I am reading wily nily through whatever books strike my fancy! I recently finished Not In The Heart by Chris Fabry. Got it on my kindle app at your recommendation! I really liked it! Right now I am reading Paradise Valley by Dale Cramer. It is not your typical Amish novel and I am enjoying that too!

I like the idea of stalking an author or subject by reading works about or by the same person.


Diane Allen said...


I enjoyed your post on Sally Clarkson's site. I too stalk authors!

Specifically I wanted to agree with you about the value of a struggling reader diving into Dumas. My son had the same experience. The story appeal motivates the student to overcome their struggle. Time and time again I've seen students have a huge boost in reading ability after diving into such classic titles.

Anonymous said...

Another "stalker" here. If I find an author I like, I try to read as many of his/her books as I can find and am usually sad when I've read the last one. Some authors I collect are Grace L. Hill, Catherine Marshall, Janette Oke, Leisha Kelley, Emily Barnes, Francine Rivers--to name a few. I love books. Found five for $1.00 each at a book store this past week. Love that. Blessings Sharon D.