Matthew, Mommy, and Anna |
I've been out in the garden this morning, hoeing weeds as big storms may hit later today. I also decided to move most of the deck plants under the two small deck tables "just in case" we have hail later.
I'm so thankful the weather was great last week when my family was visiting. Except for having to leave the house in pouring rain in the middle of the night to return home, they had perfect weather!
The only time I took pictures was the day we spent at our favorite amusement park. Of course, I'm not in any of them. Should one look through any family albums in future generations, they would wonder where the "mother turned grandmother" was in any festivities.
The answer? Behind the camera lens! :)
We loved having them here, even if I became exhausted and had to rest often. I missed one event (the day everyone else traveled to my son's in-laws for a cookout) but pretty much was able to participate in most... even if it meant while sitting on a chair.
The amusement park was my favorite fun, followed closely by Stephanie taking me out to lunch and to the new
Star Trek movie the next day. You know the one... when I overdosed on popcorn!
Below are scenes from our day at the amusement park and my chance to show off how the grandchildren are growing. I have lots of pictures of Stephanie, the little ones, and Hubby since I spent most of my time with them.
Everyone else was on the bigger rides, especially the roller coasters! Just thinking of them made me turn green.
Christopher and his dad battling it out in the bumper cars |
Elisabeth drying out after a ride that left her soaked |
Hubby and his favorite daughter-in-law |
David and Matthew |
Anna and Matthew |
Miss Cool |
My son-in-law (it is difficult to get a picture of him!) |
My husband calls this David's "Wrong Sox" shirt since he is a White Sox fan. :) |
Matthew, Faith, and Anna (they hated this ride!) |
Sisters... |
After a day at the amusement park, Mrs. Christopher's sisters picked up the kids and we had a lovely dinner out at a yummy restaurant (I ate too much) with the kids and their spouses.
Definitely a day to remember. :)
Wonderful your family could get together and enjoy each other. Makes for many great memories.
Thanks for sharing, Brenda! What fun. I know that you throroughly enjoyed each of your family members. So glad you were able to do almost everything. Now, you can enjoy the peace and quiet!
Wonderful family pictures, Brenda. But I DO take issue with that Red Sox jersey - sported front and center, no less. My opinion is that a Minnesota Twins jersey would have been perfect (even though the Sox usually take them to the cleaners). Oh well, a girl can dream.
What fun!
Elisabeth and Faith are growing up! They are young ladies now! And your Hobbit...love his curls! Matthew and Anna are growing too. Somehow I always picture Anna as a baby, and she definitely is not! I think she seems spunky!
So delighted you had such a wonderful time together - except for your popcorn overdose!
OH, what joy! I am also someone who wouldn't ride a roller coaster or anything similar for a fortune. But I delight in merry go rounds, especially with small children. I am so glad you all had great weather and wonderful company! But sometime, get someone else to be the one behind the camera so they have a record of you, Brenda!
Oh Anna has grown so much since the wedding! So cute. And they didn't look impressed on The Frog Jumper. Have heard about the rough weather...it may or may not roar through here as we're on the fringe. Hope that it skates past you, too.
you are quite simply . . .
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