Friday, December 10, 2010

Victoria upon finding her mitten...

Victoria in a more placid and thoughtful mood

My friend who lives in New Mexico tells me she thinks pets more than pay for their keep for those of us on a tight budget... just in the amount of laughter they bring to a home.

This went on all afternoon.  I even caught her sitting on the mitten a few times!  She was convinced I was going to take it away from her and use it as a decoration again.  Don't worry, I wouldn't dare...


Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Cute stuff!

I miss having a cat...we'll have to see about remedying that. My Sarah would love it!

Anita said...

I laughed through this one... Thanks for sharing!

Thickethouse.wordpress said...

Victoria is so amusing to see even in the photos, I can imagine how much more so she is in real life! What a darling.

Anonymous said...

I so agree...we need pets most when we don't have a lot of money, going through hard times etc. They are worth it for the laughs!!


Fixing My Thoughts said...

Victoria is such a cutie! Kitties just love "a find." Your photos of her are very good. Our pets are worth every cent, aren't they! Bess

becka said...

Isn't it hilarious to see what a cat wants to claim as her own? We once had a cat who "adopted" a small teddy bear and carried it around in her mouth like a kitten. One of the cats we have now once got on a kitchen chair and ran off with an oatmeal cookie I had cooling on the table. She even had the audacity to growl at me when I took it away from her. Your Victoria is a beautiful cat and seems to have a lot of personality too.

Anonymous said...

So Victoria the kitten, found her mitten! Sounds like a nursery rhyme! Thanks for sharing her with us Brenda! :)Sarah

Lallee said...

I loved seeing this photos of Victoria enjoying her mitten. It might have something to do with catnip ;-)