Thursday, July 15, 2010

Herb mystery solved

It's Italian oregano!  The little plastic thingy was still there... albeit within the jungle I call my herb garden.

I did a little research online and Italian oregano is a hybrid of Greek oregano and... ta da (the reason it looks a little like marjoram)... sweet marjoram.

 I had no idea this oregano is somewhat rare.  I bought the plant at my favorite nursery, which has all kinds of amazing herbs available each spring.

The best article I found about Italian oregano is... here.


Terra said...

I love herbs and this does not look like the oregano I grow, which has very tiny leaves. How fun to learn about a new type of oregano with larger leaves; thank you.

Thickethouse.wordpress said...

Lucky you Brenda! Enjoy this. Maybe you can keep it going in the house over the winter? My oregano is winter hardy and my marjorams never were. Too bad you can't put the fragrance into your blog!

Heather Anne said...

My herbs are going wild too - but I don't have any mystery herbs! I am missing my parsley this year - it just didn't make it through all of the rain and lack of sunshine! I started a bunch of chives from seed because they didn't survive the moles last season so we have an abundance of little chive plants here and there! Herbs are such a blessing - they add color, texture and amazing scents to the garden, and to our meals!
I'll be taming the herb garden soon - as soon a the heat breaks a bit!