Well, not really. It's not all that much. I'm just busy freezing the zucchini from the garden. We also picked up our friend's CSA veggies for two weeks, which included lots of zucchini. (Community Supported Agriculture is when you pay one or more farmers in the spring for veggies (and fruit in some cases) and then receive produce in season... usually once a week. Our friends were out of town and we enjoyed the produce. :)
Hubby and I are from a long line of farmers and gardeners (his parents had a gorgeous "in town" garden) but this is our first real garden. We moved too often before to put the time and effort in anything but herbs and a few tomato plants.
However, having grown up with gardens around us we knew how prolific zucchini plants can be so we only purchased two plants. I especially wanted to fill the freezer with shredded zucchini that I grew pesticide free to be used in breads and muffins.
Stephanie tells me sliced zucchini freezes well to be used later in recipes... I'll save space for them. They will be great in a veggie soup when it gets cold.

I shred the zucchini and then place it in a colander which is sitting on a plate to let it drain awhile. It stays there an hour or two and I "fluff" it when I think of it.

I then fill snack size ZipLoc bags with two heaping half-cup measuring cups of the green stuff. It's a little more than a cup total.

All of these bags came from just three zucchinis.

The snack size ZipLoc bags are placed in a gallon size ZipLoc bag. Since I'm putting a "bag within a bag", neither of them have to be freezer strength. I love snack size bags... use them for lots of things. :)
So... what do I do once I'm finished in the kitchen?
I've gotten one zucchini and one white eggplant so far! Thank goodness I don't really have to live off of what I grow! The tomatoes are doing really well and we're getting lots of those and I think the corn is coming along nicely.
It feels good to be able to have all that pesticide free veg in your freezer! Yummy muffins to come!
CSA's are great! We finally have one that drops off at local church but we have to wait until next year to join.
I'm always so thankful when we receive zucchini. I freeze it too and use it in lots of baking. Hope you were able to have a rest today.
What a big beautiful plant! Think of all the yummy recipes waiting to be baked!
THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!
jAne at tickleberryfarm.blogspot.com
What a neat post!Love~Sharon
I shred zucchini and freeze it for bread too, but letting it drain in a colander is a great tip. Thanks!
When you freeze slices do they need to be blanched first?
What beautiful zucchini. I'm going to try growing it next year. Any advice? I freeze cooked dry beans the same way you freeze your zucchini.
We have had lots of Zucchini from our garden on our menu for 3 weeks now in lots of recipes. I love freezing it also. In the winter it is nice to make zucchini bread for almost free to stretch the budget.
I'm with Sasha, lol!
If I forget, remind me to send you my favorite zucchini recipe-zucchini casserole. Yum!!!
joanna :)
Your garden is looking so good!!! I think I'm going to pick our first squash on Sunday -- maybe for the grill. My garden is behind since it went a month with no miracle gro. My squash plants look small compared to everyone else's but I think they will eventually come through.
Have a good weekend!
thanks for posting this~ i plan on freezing some zuccini for winter now and wouldn't have otherwise ~ blessings
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