Anyway... as much as I love my small-ish house in the country, there are a few things I miss about the Colonial we had to give up after a serious financial reversal. Perhaps what I miss most is all the counter space I had in the kitchen. So, I decided to stop whining and get creative.
I "borrowed" (theft is more likely the truth but is it really theft when it is yours in the first place?) the old sewing machine table from Christopher's room since he isn't using it, anymore.
The mini butcher block island which used to stand against the wall was moved to the middle of the kitchen. It was originally purchased years ago (on clearance!) when we lived in a townhouse. I've wanted to use it again as an island but I wasn't sure how it would function in this small kitchen.
I must say it has worked out very nicely once we got used to negotiating around it. Since it has wheels, it can be moved when necessary.
I've shown this red bookcase before but it is a great illustration of using old furniture in new ways. It was the bookcase in my husband's bedroom from elementary school through college. He doesn't remember why it was red, as it is not a color found elsewhere in his parent's home. However, it is perfect for my vintage kitchen.
In a former home, it held homeschool books and supplies. That's why there is a pencil sharpener attached (which David found fascinating when he was here).
I'm so glad I decided to get creative instead of stomping my feet and complaining. :)
What great ideas! You have a very chearful kitchen. Everything is handy to get at now, right? I need to declutter and organize my kitchen also. You have inspired me!
Brenda, you did a great job. You should see my small kitchen space. I have way less room than you do. I've said since we moved here if we ever move again (which we plan on doing next year) that I'd need to have more kitchen cupboards and counter space.
LOL...I remember bookcases with attached pencil sharpeners!:-)This was a great post Brenda.Getting creative instead of complaining not only blesses us but honors God!Blessings from Oregon~Sharon
Ohhh I adore your kitchen! I love red. It is sooo homey. It just wanna come over and bake something!! I love how you have containers for things.
You have such an inspiring blog. I have linked to your blog from mine on the side bar. I look forward to more pics of your cozy home!!
Always a good idea to turn frustrations into creative energy.
Sometimes, instead of going out for a walk, I tell my husband I'm going out for a 'stomp'. I'm sure I burn more calories when I'm stomping!
Your kitchen looks like a very inviting spot, Brenda!
I just realized you have a recipe blog!! I am off to snoop! I love food and recipes!
Good use of what was already in your hand! Creativity is a gift from the Lord. We should all use that gift more. Thanks for the reminder.
I absolutely love the way your kitchen looks! I bet it functions even better than it looks too! It makes me long for the days of helping my Grandmother in her very mismatched yet extremely functional and inviting kitchen! It makes me wish I had to play around a little more to make mine "work" for me!
God Bless!
I am sometimes asked why I don't move the table that I use as an island to get it "out of the way." It is my favorite thing...oh yes, it's large enough to be a clutter gatherer, but what a lot of extra space it provides for necessary chores. I know that you feel the same way about your butcher block, not to mention the added charm. Your red bookcase is bright and cheery and, of course, I love it.
Oh wow, everything looks wonderful!And so's so much fun to have a "lightbulb" moment and figure out how just a few changes here and there can make such a difference.
Enjoy reading your blog very much,
You inspire me to try to do more with just what we have...
Thank you,
Springfield, Ma
You and I have the same tea kettle..but you have the mix master (?proper wording) I want..RED..mine is silver!!
I love that red shelf. I spray painted mine a few months ago red, but it is half your size..I need to paint my spice cupboard now in red of course. Thanks for sharing. I so enjoy all the wonderful wisdom I find here.
Thanks for showing pictures of your kitchen. I love to see where people live. It's almost like coming over for a visit. I am very encouraged by your blog and right now I am also drinking in Laine's Letters that you referenced.
Thanks again,
A. Wilson
"I'm so glad I decided to get creative instead of stomping my feet and complaining. :) "
Love this line! Very inspirational to me. Thanks!
I really like your bread box!
Friend Debra
I love the feel of your kitchen! And that red bookcase is perfect in it.
Thanks for giving us a look into your home. Very inspiring!
What a cute kitchen. Big is not always better! I enjoy your blog. I too like to use what I already have to make something work better for me. thanks for your inspiration.
Thank you for sharing. Your kitchen looks so inviting.
Counter space! I always envy people that have lots of counter space in their kitchens. I mostly work in an area that's about 39 inches between the cooktop and the sink. Which isn't nearly enough space when your processing lots of veggies or trying to make jam or even bake bread.
My husband has often asked me why we can't have an island and I've always been against it because my kitchen really doesn't seem big enough for one. But you've given me an idea! I think I might be able to do a small dropleaf table. They're narrow and can expand for big jobs.If I add wheels it can be moved or maybe even stored in the hall closet until needed for big jobs!
Brenda, you've got me thinking of solutions! Thanks for the inspiration!
What an encouraging post! I love how you got creative! That is what most of us need to do on a daily basis, but how much time do we waste lamenting about a problem area! ugh.
Oh, and I love, love your red bookcase! It works so well in your kitchen!
A few changes here and their can make such a difference and give us a new perspective on things can’t it?
I too like to use what I already have to make something work better for me and it can definitely change my attitude and help me feel creative.
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