If you've read CTB&Me long enough, you will know my obsession with the growth of corn in the summer. One may not completely understand that obsession but it is certainly well documented.
So, it gave me quite a smile when my husband's army buddy walked into our living room last week and the first thing he commented on was how tall the corn was in our state compared to his. Now, that's my kind of house guest!
I've been taking the long route home a lot these past couple of weeks. From late July through October, the scenes are as beautiful as any ocean or mountain to one who grew up across the gravel road from a grain elevator.
There are fields of corn and soybeans, red barns, goats and sheep from time to time, horses grazing beside a small house, wild flowers growing among the long grass at the side of the road... that which is beautiful in my part of the country.
It won't be long now when we begin to see less green and more golds and rusts. The field corn will dry on the stalks until safe to harvest in due season. As for the sweet corn, well that has been available for a month now (also much to the surprise of our Northern friend). I prefer to purchase it from the farmer who parks his pickup truck near where the highway meets the road to our house. My husband likes the corn sold from the back of the truck that parks near the Pizza Hut in town. Go figure...
There is something about the change of seasons that gives me peace. The same kind of peace I feel when holding a newborn baby. The inward knowing that God has not given up on Humanity... the proof of continuation. New life... a new season. The signs are all around us that summer is near its' end and we are about to turn the corner to the change before us... deep rust, bronze, and golden mums are at the grocery store, and Wal Mart... also outside Ace Hardware, although we leave with only AA batteries. I look back and promise myself I'll purchase at least a couple of mums later.
I am looking forward to a chill in the air (although we've had an unusually cool August!), sweater weather, the changing leaves, hot apple cider, and... pumpkin spice lattes. I may only be able to afford one this year but you can count on me sipping it slowly and enjoying every moment. Even my reading changes with the seasons. Come September I once again become interested in big works of fiction and as the sun begins to set earlier on the horizon each evening... that is when I love to read mystery novels. :)
There is something else about the change of seasons I appreciate. They bring about the opening of my eyes... waking me up from slumber... seeing my surroundings in a fresh, new way again. It is difficult to believe one can come to take robins for granted but it happens every year. In April I have been known to stand at the window and watch them for a long time. By August they have become the most familiar of neighbors, upon whom I give a nod of appreciation but they no longer are gazed upon with the same welcome as they were months before.
So... I will make certain to take the time to look at... really gaze upon... the corn in the fields, the lush green leaves of the trees, the overgrown brush on the forest floor at the end of the lane (the area that gives me Bigfoot imaginations), the amazing large sunflowers next to a little house in town, and the "Pick Your Own Blueberries" sign where the county roads meet near the high school.
As late summer will soon turn into early autumn, I want to really see what is happening around me and burn them to my memory for that day in January... the one where I am wondering if the colors and scents of another season were only things I dreamed at one time. But that's another day to ponder. :)
Now this is a post that speaks to me. I do take things like robins for granted. And I've always said that I probably wouldn't appreciate the spring so much if it weren't for winter. (I suppose there's beauty in winter too but sometimes I'm hard pressed to find it!)
blessings on your afternoon,
Oh my, you made me so homesick for my growing up state of Iowa! I love the changing of seasons too. Autumn has always been my favorite season. You have such a delightful way of writing and painting such pictures in my mind! Thank you for the lovely tea party today!
I grew up in IL corn country and can certainly relate! I too love the sights and smells of autumn. I can close my eyes and inhale that dusty corn smell as the combine empties it's contents into the blue wagons. I have fond memories of "driving" the combine on my grandfather and father's laps and then hunting for cobs that were somehow dropped in the process. I miss that so much living here in CT, but at least the memories remain. Thank you, Brenda! Have a wonderful afternoon.
Our summers don't really come to an end until almost the end of October. We seem to just have summer and winter here and sometimes I wish we had colorful distinct seasons. But then I remember the bounty of relatively inexpensive fruit and vegetables. Our university has huge corn fields and a farmer's market where we can buy corn 4/1.00. Fruit is less than 1.00 a pound. So we are blessed in a different way.
< Pour a cup of hot tea >
Oh, sorry to shout. :)
I drink tea when the weather is COOL, not when it's over 100 degrees!
p.s. Dare I say I can't wait for autumn?
Dear brenda,
readying this post has given me a bit of peace, thank you 'cause i'm having a difficult time... Anyhow, I did like what you've written about the coming of the new season and the care of God for humanity! Unfortunately new season here means for some kids going back to statal orphanage... some of them are really scared and I can't bare looking in their eyes when they ask you "Why?" They are going back to a place which is a real jungle and where the worst beasts are other human beings and other kids who, not like them, have never met anyone who would love them or take care of them. There's nothing worst, I believe now, than seen FEAR in a child's eyes and knowing to be totally powerless... how can we walk a kid to hell, when our vocation is for heaven?
... sorry for this comment, but I do believe you can understand and pray. And I do beg you to ask as many people as you know to pray for those children who do not know the love of a mother, or a father and that know now they have to go back to a place where there's only sorrow and pain... The little blond kid in my last post (in the 8th pic), is the last one that the government as asked to be moved to one of their orphanage, he's the only one who's never been in such places... and I can't think of what he could ever think once there...
Sorry again...
God bless you
What a heartbreaking comment just above. The sentiments expressed and the heart behind them is simply overwhelming. We must somehow believe that God is at work especially if we invite Him into this very situation. Add me to those who are praying...
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