Each year I am so saddened by how most of the university women dress. My son was telling me recently that he has figured out the worst dressers are the freshmen girls. They're away from mom and dad's influence and their new freedom comes through in trashy dressing. I mean, really... we have said we're tempted to ask them how much they charge by the hour. It is that bad.
How quickly times have changed. It hasn't been that long since I was at the same university taking classes and such dress would not have been tolerated. When my husband started at the same university seven years earlier, there was a DRESS CODE in place. Of course, much more than just how people are dressing has change. Perhaps that is just an outward manifestation of the morals and character which have also been morphing into... what?... these past years. It is just sad to see.
On a much brighter note, I have been enjoying the return of many of the young people I've worked with before. Most of them came back to work today. I feel like a mother hen whose flock is returning to the nest. Most of these young people are those I work "Buy Back" with for a week in the Textbook Dept. (at the end of each semester). One truly bonds with their co-workers during that frantic week because we're all in the basement working side by side. I appreciate how happy they are to see me, too. I think I'm a reminder of their own heart and home... and mom. They also know when adults truly enjoy their company.
The medication the doctor prescribed has been helping my arm a great deal and so far, I haven't had any problem with the big textbooks hurting it. Isn't it great that I'm recovered from the tooth abscess completely before starting these two weeks? I couldn't have done it even last week. God is good. His strength really is perfected in our weakness.

I'll try to get the give away posted on Thursday and I'll leave it up through Saturday. As for this evening, I still have to wash the dinner dishes which are soaking. However, I will then brew some herbal tea and read what came in the mail today... the autumn Victoria!
Besides the tea and Victoria, I'm looking forward to rubbing in some delicious Burt's Bees foot cream that a friend sent me. I'll just leave a hint, she's married to a cop. :) I'm hooked on the stuff. My doctor had told me I should start using such a cream and God answered my need through that special person.
It never ceases to amaze me, the kindness shown by my blog circle of friends. Just this morning, I placed my earrings and necklace on a beautiful, small vintage plate sent to me by another blog friend. I can't begin to thank everyone because I know I'd leave someone important out. I'll just say that you all have blessed me greatly and you have been the very hands of God used to give me His Hope and Faithfulness in an otherwise hopeless situation. I am very rich. :)
At most, I would have to concede to a tie for "the least confrontational person"... lol.
I'm glad your tooth has healed and that your medication is helping your arm. I really wondered whether you'd make it to work this season.
Brenda, your blog is such a blessing to me. Enjoy your magazine and tea and your foot cream!
Brenda,I am glad you are feeling better and enjoying seeing your co-workers coming back to school. I have always loved school and would probably be a career student if I didn't have to pay bills. Isn't God wonderful to give us the things we need just at the right time? He has been so good to me and I am truly blessed. I just got my Victoria magazine yesterday and I can't wait to read all of it. It's so neat.
I'm so glad you have friends to enjoy along with working. Friends are truly one of God's great blessings to us.
Hi Brenda! I have posted lately, but I do visit frequently!
You will be pleased to learn that the "fashion tide" for girls is turning. My daughter is nearly 12, and just started middle school. I have been very pleased over the last year about clothing choices. Girls' shirts are now much longer (and much higher on top!). The "babydoll" shirts, over capris, are very cute and very fashionable - and very modest! I started talking with my daughter at a very young age about modesty and why it's important, and what the Bible says. I really think that fashion trends are starting to swing away from the nearly naked look that's been "in" for the last couple of years. . . Thank goodness!
Brenda, I'm so glad that you're feeling better! Especially since you have the bookstore job to do. You should see how some of the girls at my daughter's highschool dress!! I don't know how parents can let their child leave the house like that! It's sad really.
Glad to hear your feeling better, Brenda. Hope you'll take care and rest when you get home after your long days.
I love your new blog header. I missed congratulating you on your blog anniversary and 900 posts! Oh my! I thought 300 was a lot for me last week..then of course I deleted the blog. I wanted also to tell you it was my Gmail account that I cancelled...and then it deleted my google account too. My error. Oh, will you change my address on your side bar?
The only difference is an s after Patty.
I agree with yout thoughts on the way young women dress..even older women these days.
I have thought too, of sending a little something to you from time to time...how could I get your address? Email you with my email address?
Praying that you will have renewed strength for all you have to do!
Blessings, Patty
I have seen such dress even on little girls and it really concerns me.They should not dress like this!It's not a safe world anymore.As to the arrival of Victoria...I have not seen mine yet but cannot wait!I am hopeful it will arrive soon.Smile...Sharon G.
How wonderful that you can be a "surrogate" mama for some of the students that you work with! Enjoy both your time at work (or at least, stay healthy while there!) and enjoy those wonderful moments when you get to enjoy being home!! :)
Brenda - I am glad you are so much better and able to work at the university - what a blessing the little extra will be for you! I know you'll make the mast of it, stretching it so creatively and wisely! May the Lord give you an extra measure of strength for this part of the journey!
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