Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Just a little sidetracked...

I'll be back tomorrow with more Recession Ponderings. I'm behind on housework. :)

I took advantage of the lower humidity by having lunch on the porch

The clutter on the table only got worse...

The only decluttered room in the house today

So this is why the table is cluttered... it was "stuff" moved from here

I'm still working on the kitchen (dishes are soaking waiting for my immediate attention... soup is simmering for dinner). The family room shows a family lives here. There is a cat and laundry on my bed.

Don't ask the obvious... how did I get the time to take these pictures? The camera was one of the items cluttering the table and when I went to put it away I thought I'd take a few pictures of the flowers outside and the porch and I got carried away and... well, you know how it goes.

Now, I need to stir the soup.

Oh... feel free to still add comments to the last pantry post!


Anonymous said...

I love the George Washington picture shown in the third photo. It has always been one of my favorites.
Beautiful room!

Anita said...

Thanks for opening your home to us! You're a gracious hostess!

Anonymous said...

Dear Debra: your house is lovely! I especially like your porch. Very pretty :)

I also leave my dishes for last.

Have a blessed day!


Firefly Nights said...

Your home is quite pretty and very welcoming.