Monday, June 02, 2008

A good day and a blog recommendation

Would you believe, a second post in the same day? It has been a very long but a good day. It included an afternoon nap so how bad can that be? My only problem, I turned off my cell phone alarm and went back to sleep for another half an hour so I was quite groggy for awhile after waking up!

I did get a chuckle from the comment about chicken and noodles being served over mashed potatoes (on one of the last posts). My son-in-law cannot comprehend this Midwestern way of doing things... carbs over carbs and all. I grew up with it so I had no idea the rest of the world would think it strange. I believe we found them served this way when we lived in Michigan, too.

I pulled out three of my Marcia Adams cookbooks today; Cooking From Quilt Country, More Recipes From Quilt Country, and Heartland: The Best of the Old and the New from Midwest Kitchens (I also own her Christmas in the Heartland). I checked and all of them are available used on Amazon. I highly recommend all of them but the two Quilt Country cookbooks about the Amish are my favorites. I used to enjoy the PBS shows featuring Marcia Adams and the Christmas cookbook was based on a TV special.

Anyway, she talks about the differences in Amish cooking in the introduction of the first cookbook and a little more about it in the second. It seems some of the Amish in Northern Indiana cook very differently than those in Pennsylvania while others are pretty much the same. It depends on the route they took to get to Indiana, those who came from Lancaster County would obviously be similar cooks to those in Pennsylvania.

I've already bookmarked a few recipes to try soon. All four of these cookbooks survived my downsizing a few years ago. I adore coffee table cookbooks but I had to get rid of some when we were moving... not these favorites. I plan to go through a few more of my beautiful cookbooks later this week.

I was going to recommend Sandy's posts about what she is doing to deepen her pantry, anyway. But when she left a comment, it reminded me to leave a link this evening. I think her ideas are excellent! I love to see how other people manage to stock up and how they find places to put a pantry. I will always remember Manuela's SHOWER! So... mosey on over to Falling Like Rain and check out the great ideas... please. :)


Anonymous said...

Hi Brenda,
I hope you will still consider taking some pics of your stockpile areas. I am trying to think how I can do this more creatively with limited space.

Have a lovely week!

Terri said...

When we were in PA they ate chicken and waffles! Now that sounded odd to us, but it tasted really good!

Arden said...

We took my parents out to Der Dutchman (Amish place in Plain City Ohio). My mother kept going on and on about the "weird" chicken noodle soup they serve on the buffet.
My children, all born and bred in Ohio, put their chicken and noodles on mashed potatoes. That was in Feb and she is still talking about it. lol
I first had this dish when a church friend brought it to me after having one of my babies. Oh how comforting that meal was.

Anonymous said...

Heading on over there! Thanks!!!

Vee said...

I adore carbs over carbs. ;D

And I am missing Manuela so much...

I'm off to follow your link.

Niki said...

I will nip over the check out Sandy's blog. I, too, love Marcia Adams cookbooks....Brenda, I think we have virtually identical taste in books!!! I own just about every book you mention (and I only keep books I love,) and if I don't own it, I've borrowed it from the library and have read it! We both must have excellent taste! ;)