So where were we? Well, the hints were in the names of the pictures for yesterday and today's posts. Yesterday's was titled Amish Country Home and today's is Lancaster Sunday (both available at allposters.com). Yes, this appears to be my "Amish Summer"... we were here. For those outside the United States, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania contains one of the largest Amish communities in the world (I believe I heard there were 30,000 Amish families in Lancaster County). Gorgeous country!
Do you think God is trying to teach me something about living life more simply? Our trip to Ft. Wayne, Indiana did not originally include a visit to Amish country but was added at the last minute. The trip to Lancaster was offered within the last month. Hmmm... will have to do some pondering.
We had an absolutely wonderful time. I wasn't certain about the trip since I don't travel well. However, the New England contingent had rented a cottage in Lancaster County where Grammie & Granddad could have their own room and get away when needed. I was able to rest in the afternoons and retire to our room by evening so I was able to get a lot of reading done, watch HGTV and the season finale of NCIS (don't get me started!), as well as having fun with my family. It was so good to see them again, we are so blessed with great kids, grand kids, and the world's best son-in-law... none of us perfect mind you. :)
Our bedroom faced the road and it was quite interesting to hear the clap- clap of horses at all times of the day and night, along with the sounds of cars and trucks. We ate way too much at the Amish and Mennonite restaurants (many of which are smorgasbords) and even Uncle Christopher put on weight! He and I agreed it is a good thing we don't have such places close to us or even he would have a weight problem. Hubby's mom was from a Pennsylvania Dutch background so this food was like going home.
Stephanie and I got in some shopping off and on in the many adorable shops... gift shops, antique stores, fabric stores, various food shops, etc. While searching through one small section of shops, we found a TEA ROOM! So, we made reservations and on our last full day there... Stephanie, Grammie, and Miss Elizabeth got all dressed up and "took tea" at Ye Olde English Shoppe & Tearoom which was gorgeous and the food (and tea) were tasty as well as beautifully served. Elizabeth is always (well, usually) the little lady and it was a delight to "take tea" with she and her mommy.
We visited some other towns and sites while there and the guys (Hubby, Uncle Christopher, and my son-in-law) spent a long day at Gettysburg, which was worth it but all three returned home quite weary. One highlight for Christopher was getting to see the the train museum and take a train ride to Paradise (no, really). Hubby decided to stay home to rest up for the Gettysburg trip the next day and we wished he was there to see everything but Christopher took lots and lots of pictures.
I'll chat more about our trip as the week progresses. It really was an experience. I didn't sneak a peak at C.'s computer (when he visited a restaurant that had wireless capability to check e-mails) but once I'd helped bring luggage and such from the car Saturday evening, I do admit the office was my first destination!
I highly recommend a trip to Lancaster County for anyone wanting a family friendly get-away. Yes, there are parts that are there for the tourists (just like when we lived in Holland, Michigan with all the Dutch attractions) but it is well done and so much fun. Then there is the food... I'm hungry just thinking of the great meals.
Oh, all the states we went through except one did have Big Ten Universities. I forgot we spend about ten minutes traveling through West Virginia (which, unfortunately, does not have a Big Ten University... actually there are now eleven but it is still titled the Big Ten... go figure).
Many thanks to our daughter and son-in-law for making a financial sacrifice to give us a truly all expenses paid vacation. We love you.
Oh, I would LOVE to visit there myself! {sigh} I hadn't really thought of specifically planning a vacation there, but that's a wonderful idea!
I also noticed you love tea - me too! And "Charlotte Mason Companion" is one of my very favorite homeschool books, too!
I'll be stopping back to visit soon. I hope you'll visit me at my blog, too. :-)
Living in Lancaster County is a real blessing. I wish there had been a way to know you were going to be here. I would have loved to meet you and say, "hello".
We were at Hershey Farms on Saturday. It is a great place to eat!
I am glad you were able to enjoy it here.
Becky K.
I would love to visit there, too, though I live so close to Holmes County I am there every few weeks. My gggrandfather was born in Lancaster, PA, in 1840. He was from a Mennonite family, not Amish, and a volunteer in the Union Army in which he served for 5 years. Never did join the Mennonite church. I would love to figure out exactly where they lived and go visit it. (Oh course, 168 years changes things just a mite, even in Lancaster. What great kids you have Brenda. I'm so glad you and your husband got to enjoy such a lovely vacation, and Christopher too.
Hi Brenda :) Welcome home! It sounds like a lovely time. I will look forward to hearing more over the next days. Love, Q
It truly sounds like you had a wonderful time with your family. It's so good Christopher got to go too. But now I'm glad you're back! Can't wait for next Sunday's tea!
Oh, I love Lancaster County. It's about time for me to go back for a visit. Thanks for sharing bits and pieces of your trip with us. Can't wait to see pictures. ~Adrienne~
Brenda, I am so happy you got to have such a wonderful trip. It sounds exactly like the type of trip I would love. You are blessed to have such loving children. I can't wait to see the pictures. Glad you are back.
Hi Brenda,
We will be in Lancaster PA the second week of July. We're from Canada, totally unfamiliar with the area. We're staying in a Farm B&B, and looking forward to it very much. I would love to get a list of any must see or must eat places from you, when you have a minute....
Thanks & Blessings,
Isn't Lancaster County just gorgeous! We've passed through may times and I just marvel at the beauty!
I'm so happy you enjoyed yourselves!
Can't wait to see the photos!
We used to live in that area...sigh..so beautiful! I am glad you had the chance to get away.
Glad that you had such a wonderful trip! Rest up and tell us all about it as you feel up to it. You certainly were missed! I didn't realize you were out of town and kept checking the site just to see if maybe you had relented and wouldn't leave us hanging for an entire week!! :)
That sounds like a wonderful trip. I visited the area many many years ago.
I don't live very far from what is called the Ohio Amish Country. I hope to make a trip up one day as I've always been facinated with their lifestyle.
I'm glad you had a good trip!☺
Oh!!! Whine, whine, whine. We just MOVED AWAY FROM THERE!!! This spring. Oh well. :) It was fun while we were there. Just made me wish I could have been there.
Susan (now Delaware -- which is nice, too)
I live in Lancaster as well, however, I'm in the city. It's interesting to see a visitor's view of where you live. I'm so glad you enjoyed your visit.
Lancaster County, especially the quieter western section, is a lovely area. It's time we go back there since it's been a few years. Glad you enjoyed the trip. I greatly admire the Old Order Amish and Mennonites who live there.
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