However, I awoke to such a gorgeous day. It reminds me of the old Jim Croce song...If I Could Put Time in a Bottle. I would definitely bottle this summer day with bright skies, green forest, and low humidity...a very good thing.
I have all the necessary housework done with the exception of throwing the last load of laundry in the dryer. That can wait until later this evening. :)
I'm on my way outside as soon as I hit Publish to sit at the deck table (thank you again to my daughter and son-in-law!) and make a menu plan and grocery list. In view of my "Summer of my Mary heart", I'm keeping everything simple. I have sent Martha on vacation for awhile. No gourmet meals this month.
However, since my Martha side must return soon, I'm planning on ordering some cleaning supplies at Mrs. Meyers this week. They have a 20% off sale!
By the way, speaking of cleaning supplies...if you have never tried Charlie's Soap, do purchase a bag since we have to do laundry (even more in our house) throughout the summer months. Stephanie kept telling me how good this stuff is. I'm sorry it took me so long to try it. She started using it because it is safe for anyone with sensitivities and allergies (it is also recommend for cloth diapers). One tablespoon (they provide a little scooper) of the powdered soap is all that is needed for a large load of laundry.
You also don't have to use softener of any kind! I keep some for sweaters that I want to get very soft but otherwise, I never use it anymore. (Not to mention it gets your clothes clean.) I finally ordered it after she told me it keeps mildew from the towels in humid months. One bag cost the same as a large container of Tide and it has now lasted me about six months...really. (I do not receive any money from either company, I am just a satisfied customer.)
Okay, I let Martha out for a few minutes but I'm now on my way to enjoy this gorgeous day. Even if one still has household chores that must be accomplished, they are much nicer when done outside with a cup of coffee with Splenda and cream.
A belated happy Canada Day to our Northern neighbors!
Thanks for the info about the Mrs. Meyer sale! I'll definately take advantage of that. I'm keeping our menus simple as well. Mostly because it's just really too hot to do much in the kitchen. Salads are easy and nutritious!
I seem to have major trouble letting Martha go. Wish I could sit at the table with you on the deck!
I just love coming here! I feel so refreshed already! Its been hot here today...100degrees, and i was able to get my basic Monday morning routines done early!!!
Good morning, Dear Mary :o)
.....this is to encourage you along your way...you *are* still in Mary-mode, right?? ;o) Loved this post. Well, I actually love them all, I just don't always have time to say so *right to your face*. Love the tender heart that all these warm and encouraging musings and meanderings flow from. Thanks again for sharing, Brenda.
Warmly, Jewels
I'm so happy to see that you are sticking to your plan. Your "Summer of my Mary heart" plan. Wonderful.
Love that song..."Time in a bottle!"
Enjoy your Mary summer, and thanks for the Canada Day wishes!
I so very much enjoy your blog although I don't believe I've commented before. Thank you for sharing tidbits of your life to encourage us to love God more and bless others thoroughly! I am going to try the Charlie's laundry soap. Can't wait to see the results! Thanks for the tip.
:) Trena
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