I had put North & South on hold at the library, thanks to a recommendation by Lady Lydia. I picked it up the same day my daughter arrived to visit.
Finally...yesterday evening...after the kids were in bed...we put the first DVD in, thinking we would watch half of it during the evening yesterday and half tonight...uh huh.
We were glued to the TV the entire first disc. We looked at each other and asked what it would hurt if we watched one more episode. Then we figured...what the hey, we've already stayed up way too late...and watched the rest.
I have to say, North & South will definitely go down as one of my all time favorite movies. I don't know why I hadn't heard of it before. It will definitely be on my "purchase" list. I thought it was going to be a nice romance but it reminded me a lot of Amazing Grace, in the sense it puts you in the middle of urgent social concerns as they are happening.
I especially love having a strong female character who remains quite feminine and polite, while being forceful about the need for social change. This woman has character as well as intelligence. The lead male character is a Mr. Darcey type, need I say more?
Rent or purchase the movie, brew some tea, set out some cookies...and enjoy. This is a movie the men in your life will enjoy, too.

For an excellent review, read this by Lady Lydia on the LAF website.
I love this movie. A group of friends and I are reading the book and will watch the dvd when we're done.
Another good one is "Wives and Daughters." See if you can borrow that from the library as well.
joanna :)
After reading your recommendations I immediately went online and reserved it from my library. I have to wait for 5 others to enjoy it first! :) Thanks for the suggestion.
Miss Bonnie and I have a "date" to watch this very soon, thanks to your wonderful recommendation. What a joy it is to have a good movie to look forward to watching.
Thanks for sharing your comments about the movie. I wasn't familiar with it but will try to find it so I can see it.
Cannot wait to check out this movie! Thanks for the review.
We're going through and watching one episode a day again.
We're seeing the things we missed in our four hour late night/morning marathon viewing.
This has been on my list to see for some time. You made me really eager to see it soon.
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