Saturday, March 17, 2007

My itty bitty piggy bank

I have tried for years to put back money for the beginning of garage sale season. There is one huge neighborhood garage sale that is my favorite. It is one of the "upscale" neighborhoods where I have found some of my best finds. It is always in May just before or after the public schools close.

I've tried to put back dollars and twenties when I had extra but that didn't work. For one thing, my piggy bank is the size of that small guy above (looks similar but with a pretty ribbon around its' neck). The other challenge with paper money is the fact I know it is there when there is a need for cash, so...I rob the Pig.

One of my favorite frugal "newsletters" I receive is from Cindy's Porch. Probably the best information going for free advice that is practical, helpful, and inspiring. In one e-mail earlier this year, Cindy talked about the big piggy bank she and her husband put change in throughout the year. My parents always had a big piggy bank when I was a child and I remember each year how surprised they were at how much they had saved. Thinking of that tacky pig brings back fond memories (I wonder where it ended up?). I think it was white with polka dots.

Saving all change wouldn't work in my little piggy bank. It wouldn't take long to fill up and there wouldn't be much money. However, the thought came to me that perhaps saving only quarters would be a good thing. I'd end up with more than I would with dimes and nickels but I'd still be using "only" leftover change. Well, I started this in January and my pig has begun to put on some real weight. There's something from a psychological standpoint about it being "just change" that keeps me from robbing the pig but I can already tell I'm going to have some "real money" for that big neighborhood garage sale.

I think my pig likes getting heavier for it would appear to narrow it's little eyes when I'm tempted to lessen the weight of that pink porcelain body, hehehe. I'll let you know come May, just how much I was able to save.

Picture from (yeah, really).


Q said...

Wonderful way to puy back some extra cash!
I use banks too for quarters. Nickles and dimes and pennies go into a large canning jar.
Thank you for the link to Cindy. She has real usable information.
Blessings to you ard yours.

Maggie Ann said...

I am enjoying your blog...sounds like you've hit on a plan for garage sale success! I'm not a great saver..but I sure love to spend. My spending money grows wings and flies away...=). My husband saves any money he finds laying on the sidewalks etc. You wouldn't believe his 2 big jars. Mostly pennies but some nickels and such. I heard an evangelist once remark he never leaves a coin lay on the ground...because it has God's name on it...'in God we trust'. A great reason huh..

Anonymous said...

I have to say I have had a delightful time on your blog this afternoon. I also went through alot of your links ~ with your screen minimized so I could still listen to your music. I love the music. It reminds me of my home growing up. My parents always had music like that playing in the background.