Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The times they are a changing

So, I went to bed early last night and woke up to a Blue nation. This is not a political blog or I'd go a little more in detail but all I have to say is...God is in control. I remember when I'd worked long hours (with a toddler!) on an important referendum when we lived in Iowa. Although we won, I was so upset over the result of the presidential election that I could not talk to the press when they called my home. I went to bed and put the covers over my head. :)

This time, I went to bed early because of a sinus headache and not the results of any election. I'm ready to let the other side give it a try. If they can do better...go for it. I'm older and more tired than I was in the early 90s. Which makes me wonder, if someone who has worked in the past for conservative issues is weary of well doing...what would it take for the average American to follow in the path of a person who promises all for peace?


Laura Talbert said...

I have had to remind myself countless times today as well that God is sovereign. There were certain people I could not talk to today either, for I knew they would bring it up(happily) and I would not handle it well (with them specifically).
My son even said over breakfast, "Oh Lord how long will You tarry?" That about summed it up for me.

Anonymous said...

I have been VERY down all day as well. I haven't been this depressed by an election in at least a few years. I was near tears several times. I reminded myself of the same thing, that God is sovereign and He is still on the throne. I can't understand what He's up to though. :(