We were both scheduled to work the two-dollar-a-bag day at the library sale. Normally we work the same time but this sale they had to make a switch. So...it made for a long afternoon. We stopped for a quick lunch before driving to the county library. There was a cold rain most of the day, both of us would have enjoyed going straight home but we needed to give back to the library. That's something I've taught my son since he was old enough to volunteer, we get a lot from our library and the sales. Most of our home library came from various library sales. So we both volunteer...even on cold, rainy days. It really isn't difficult and I do enjoy seeing the other volunteers. They love having my son there as most of us are middle aged women without strong muscles.
I had to start working as a cashier right away (the easiest job of the entire sale...$2.00 please!). He wasn't scheduled to help break down boxes and such for three hours (thus, a long afternoon...we'll try not to let that happen again). He did take over for me for a few minutes about an hour after we arrived so I could check if there were any good books left. I was shocked, I'd never seen so many great books left on Monday. I filled one grocery bag while he was temporarily taking the money and then I went back and filled another when my cashier shift was over. I am thrilled with the books. The $2.00 a bag days (we just raised the price from $1.00 a bag but it is still a huge bargain) are when I can try books I'm not sure if I'd like or not. This time, there are probably ten or so books that I've wanted to read, not to mention a lot of others that look good.
By the time we arrived home, I still had to cook dinner but I had prepared ahead of time by having some baked potatoes in the refrigerator. I made a sausage/onion/green pepper/egg/potato scramble, which tasted great on a cold and rainy night. Food along with hot decaf coffee with pumpkin spice "cream' helped take the chill away. My husband was happy to have us home. He can't wait for his beloved Chicago Bears to play on Monday night football this evening. I'm looking forward to my warm, flannel housecoat, a cup of peppermint tea and a chance to read for awhile.
So what does this have to do with the picture above? I'm stressed today, I need to relax. One of the ways I do that is...shhhhh...I watch Mr. Rogers (and there are no young children in this house). I turn on my small TV, the one that picks up only a few channels, turn it to a rather fuzzy PBS station and watch Mr. Rogers. It's either Mr. Rogers or Prozac and he is not addictive. I don't have time to do it often but I make the time when necessary.
This morning I had my usual Bible and prayer time before the sun came up. Tomorrow, hopefully in addition, I'll tune in the PBS channel around noon and watch Mr. Rogers and his friends, or at least listen as I'm baking or cleaning. Now there is a man who made a choice. He used his call to ministry to speak to millions of us each day, making us feel like we had a friend. I have a mental list of people I can't wait to meet in Eternity. He is one of them. I want to give him a big hug and thank him for the ministry he chose, reminding us in words and music that we are loved, reminding us to take life a little slower, showing us make believe can be a good thing. Yes...far better than Prozac.
What's not to love about a man who loved the Lord, loved people, especially the little ones, had a great imagination and curiosity about life, and wore cardigan sweaters? I agree - it was definately a day for a dose of Mr. Rogers. Won't you be my neighbour?
Only heaven will tell of the number of people this man influenced. Will we all be singing "It's a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood" up there?
Thank you for your post.
p.s. My grandson is now watching Mr. Rogers, so I will be sure to take opportunity to watch it with him.
The $2 a bag library sale sounds great. Our library sells paperbacks for $.50 and hardbacks for a dollar. I like your's better =)
It will be a beautiful day in THAT neighborhood. :) My daughter once teased me, soon after my son was born, that I had another baby to justify watching Mr. Rodgers, hehehe. (Seriously, she knew we'd been told we may not have more children after she was born.)
Ours sells books at various prices, too. They are $1.00 hardbacks and large paperbacks and .50 small paperbacks. Books that are nearly brand new have higher price stickers on them (they are still bargains).
However, on Mondays after the weekend sale, the remaining books are always $2.00 a bag. There are people lined up around the library to get the deals (that's why I was so suprised to have great books left on Monday afternoon).
(Here via Wittingshire.) It's so nice to see another grownup who loves Mr. Rogers! He had a way of making you feel so special. Even as adults, we never outgrow that need.
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