Monday, September 04, 2006

My favorite books--Mount Vernon Love Story

I enjoy many different kinds of books. I especially love books about the American Revolution or books that take place during the American Revolution.

Such is a book originally recommended by a friend during a discussion of American Revolution books. She told me I had to read Mount Vernon Love Story by Mary Higgins Clark. I have to admit, I was sceptical...Mary Higgins Clark...the mystery writer? Not that I don't like a good mystery but I also don't associate her with historical fiction.

How happy I am that I listened to her. I found the book at a library sale so I wasn't out much if I didn't like it. I needed a light book one evening, one that would help me forget the cares of the day and I thought of this book. I began to read and couldn't put it down. It was a lovely book, romantic but not offensive. The kind of book I'd recommend to a friend's teenage daughter.

Certainly it's fiction but it gives a peek into what life was probably like for George and Martha. I often forget, looking back over two hundred years now, the dangers these men and women faced at that time. They were risking life and property at the most and at the very least they suffered long separations from those they loved. This may have been Mary Higgins Clark's first book but it was wonderfully written.

By the way, I read that it had been out of print for awhile but the Mount Vernon Association requested it go back into print. That's how much they liked the story.


smilnsigh said...

Thank you for a lovely book suggestion.

I too [like those who commented on your last entry said], just found you. Thank you much for being here. Being a Wife, Mother, Nana myself - I'm sure I'll find much to enjoy.

And learn more about navigating this World. About which, I'm still very new and 'wet behind the ears.'

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

It took me awhile, too. I'm still learning how to set up the blog.

I'm glad you're here!