Monday, September 25, 2006

Is Elvis in Heaven and other theological ponderings

We have had some interesting theological discussions in our home over the years. Not arguments, mind you, more like...ponderings out loud. I can have theological discussions with myself since I learned about salvation in an Armenian church and cut my spiritual eye teeth on Calvinism. I attend an interdenominational church now, which is good for bipolar theology.

One of our more interesting discussions has been about Elvis. I mean, after all, the guy loved his mama and gospel music. Yes, but was he saved? Well, there are ramblings that he was. Yes, but did his life show it? These are just discussions I have with myself. Get the rest of the family involved and we have some very interesting ideas.

Which brings me to the conversation I had with my son this afternoon as we were "leaving town" to go "back to the country". On a very busy stretch of highway, he begins this conversation. I've tried to recreate it as much as possible (and people wonder what we can talk about all day). It all started when he began...

"I've been thinking about when time begin."

"You mean, time as in a clock time?"

"I mean when did TIME begin. Was it at the beginning during the Big Bang or was it when the world was created?"

"Hmmm...I would think one would need the sun and moon to have time."

"Exactly, but if man wasn't here, yet, why have time?"

"Good point."

"So, did time began with the sun and moon, then, or did it begin after the Fall? I mean, did time exist when everything was perfect?"

"Well, some might say time didn't really begin until after the Flood but then that couldn't be true. The Bible tells us how old Adam and his kin were so there had to be time and someone counting."


"That's something to ask God someday."

"I don't think we'll care then."

"Gotta point there."

Sigh...I could have been so much more brilliant if I hadn't been in heavy traffic.


Heather Anne said...

Amen! I am always thinking of brilliant reply's long after the conversation is concluded and we moved on to something else! We have theology for breakfast, lunch and supper and often driving in the car too! The other day our six year old asked if hell was going to be big enough since God prepared it for the Devil and his angels, not for people. He was concerned that there would not be room enough for all those who have rejected God's grace.

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

I was teaching my world view class this morning (Tuesday) and a few of the kids said they discussed theology at different times through the week, too. These are twelve and thirteen year old boys and girls.

Shari said...

my sister and i have talked about whether Elvis may have been saved, and my theory is that he was. imho, he was not giving God his life, and that's why he died early. he had the spirit that a born again Christian has, in my opinion, and the way he sang goapel really did make me feel like he knew Christ as his own personal Savior.

Shari said...

gospel, lol. didn't mean to misspell it.

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

I know, I wish the comment section of blogs had spell check, hehehe.

Yes, that is what I believe about Elvis. I just recently watched the PBS special about his "Christian life" and the Christians around him said they believed he was "saved". Also, I remember the man who found him (who later was in full time ministry) said Elvis had told him just before his death that he had rededicated his life to Christ.

I often wonder if that is why he was taken soon after that, too.

I guess we shouldn't be surprised that we talk theology so much. I believe God is involved in every aspect of our life.