Sunday, September 03, 2006

Frugal Luxuries

I "discovered" a book a few years ago that completely described my philosophy of life. It is called Frugal Luxuries by Tracey McBride. I almost wore out that book (before giving it to my daughter recently), not just because it had great ideas but I was so thrilled to find a like minded individual. It's that C.S. Lewis quote again, "We read to know we are not alone".

I had a frugal luxury day on Saturday. Already mentioned was the purchase of flowers at the farmer's market ($3.50). Later that afternoon, I visited one of my favorite stores. It's one of those places that awakens all your senses as soon as you open the door...dulcimer music playing in the background, the aroma of a spicy candle in the air, the store beautifully decorated for the Autumn season and free coffee awaiting every patron. I could almost move in there.

However, I was at the shop to purchase a seasonal wax "tart" for my tart burner and candles for the silver candle holders on the dining table. I came away with an apple pie "tart" and candles the color of mocha coffee. You wouldn't believe the difference these three items make as soon as you enter my home. Autumn has arrived and all I have to do is add some pumpkin bread to make people welcome (and perhaps some dulcimer music?). All of this for less than $10.00. That's frugal luxury. None of these items were essential, unless you count making one's heart sing essential.

I have various items I would put under the frugal luxury catagory; the few magazines I like to purchase, good tea, organic decaf coffee, DVDs of my very favorite movies, silver items and teacups from Goodwill and garage sales, vintage linens from same locations and, once in awhile...a Starbuck's latte... just to name a few. When I used to sew more than I do now, I'd definitely add pretty fabrics to that list. Obviously...books are included although most of my books are purchased used (ie: library sales). I did purchase the last Mitford book when it first came out but at a 40% off discount. I just couldn't wait to see what Father Tim was going to do next.

I'm actually glad I'm not rich. Like Paul, I've been poor and I've been prosperous. With both, you still need a budget which means the price you are willing to pay for your "frugal" luxuries will go up and down. The amount has to be such that you're still able to purchase all the groceries and gas for the family, pay all the bills, etc. For me it is $5.00 to $10.00 right now. In this economy, that means I have to look near and far, just as the woman in Proverbs 31 did long ago. Times haven't changed since then, women must work with the money provided and that often takes thought, creativity and the willingness to seek out merchant ships in port (or in town, or on the internet, etc.). Especially if we want to provide a home beautiful to our family while being able to put food on the table. Personally, I love the treasure hunt. If I had the money to purchase all my wish list on Amazon or e-bay, there wouldn't be the squeal of delight in finding just the perfect book or teacup for $1.00. I'd miss that...


Susan said...

I know exactly what you mean! My husband still laughs at me when I find a particular book or trinket that I've been wanting for cheap . . . or even free. I just got a wooden potato bin this week for free, something I've wanted, but never was willing to pay the price for. Now I have one for free, and I love it!

Susan P. said...

I am new to your blog and have enjoyed reading your posts so much:) I will definitely be back!
Susan P.

G.L.H. said...

This is just a lovely, lovely post. I wanted to tell you I'd like to quote one of your thoughts, then another. By the third *thought* I wished I could quote, I decided that I think I'll just link to this post on my blog today.

You've made *my* heart sing today!

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

Thank you for your kind comments. I'm going to visit your blogs as soon as I can.

I just write about the thing I love and I'm finding a lot of kindred spirits to fellowship with.

Creative Life Studio said...

I LOVE that Frugal Luxuries book! I think we have quite a bit in common as far as our reading tastes go. I may need to check out some of your recommendations!

Kelli said...

I also love Frugal Luxuries. Such a nice book to cozy up with.

*carrie* said...

How fun to find your blog via a google search on Frugal Luxuries, which I began reading today!